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Parched was the land, 

Said she, "I'm now only gravel and sand.

I need my thirst quenched, 

My heart and soul must be drenched." 

Jaded were the clouds, 

Said they, " We're so heavy, as though dressed in a shroud.

We need the weights lifted, 

So we can meet our friends who have drifted." 

Crackling was the thunder, 

Said he, "I'm here, clouds, you will now go asunder. 

I will make the rains descend drop by drop, 

Oh land do not fear, your yearning will stop." 

Merry were the blades of grass,

Said they, "We will no longer feel like broken shards of glass, 

We will drink from the dew 

And be born anew." 

Comforted was the Gypsy, 

Said he, "Long moments in the sun were making me tipsy. 

The first showers bring mirth to the fore,

The petrichor that rises makes me want more." 

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