I believed in holding on to things,
Even if it was clipping my wings.
I thought to let go was for the weak,
I became oblivious to my soul's shriek.
I felt the pain, the blistered aches,
I thought this is what holding on takes.
I didn't hold on for the fear of being alone,
I held on because that is all I had known.
I thought letting go would rob a piece of me,
I feared I would be lost if I was finally set free.
Then one day I heard my heart whimper,
It said you are meant to fly and not be a limper.
I listened to its beats and let go of everything dear,
My soul felt lighter and I no longer felt fear.
That day I realized my childish folly,
Was to believe letting go would make me melancholy.
People come into our lives to serve a purpose,
They help you grow like good old Scirpus.
They teach their lesson and walk their way,
Aren't we all for this reason made of clay?
We don't need to hold on to people that hurt,
Move on even if it means to live in the dirt.
If your passion you have come to hate,
Find a new one, don't crumble under its weight.
Let go of things that don't bring joy,
You live only once and there is no time to be coy.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Hey folks!
How are we?
I know, I know, I haven't updated any of my other books. Heartfelt apologies for that, but here's another poetry! I'm writing as and when I can, so please be patient with the other updates!
Let me know what you think about this particular piece. Life keeps teaching me and I keep learning. Whatever I learn, I put here for you fine folk! Is life teaching you guys anything new? Would love to hear from you!
Until next time, I hope you drop some baggage of the past by then!

PoetryHighest Ranking in Poetry: #7 "The elegy of silence, The wailing of fate, The panache of death, The din of rage. Will quieten itself, Soon enough, someday."