They say one must keep trying until success is found,
I ask, why must we to this one need be bound?
Trying your best is all that makes the difference,
Its what separates knowledge from ignorance.
You no longer have to wonder, what could have been,
Using all your thunder, the "Could be", you have already seen.
May be your best was not good enough,
Aiming for the stars may have been tough.
Today you gave in everything you had,
Your efforts though insufficient, were ironclad.
Tomorrow; whether or not you try again, you strived,
Do not bother for that which you were deprived.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
I strongly believe sometimes our best efforts don't yield cause it was not meant to be.
You always receive that which you truly deserve, that which was meant for you. Imagine this, what if your Mother was writing your destiny? It would be great right? In Islam, we believe Allah loves us nearly 70 times more than our own Mothers. So imagine what he has planned! Believe in God, do your best, and leave everything to him. Even if you don't receive what you seek, something better is on its way.
Just always believe. . . .
I would like to dedicate this part to@bbllaacckkaangel. Ayesha, you seem like a really hopeful and positive person! Cheers to your spirit!
Everyone else, do tell me what you think....
I Love hearing from you guys!
Zoya :D

PoetryHighest Ranking in Poetry: #7 "The elegy of silence, The wailing of fate, The panache of death, The din of rage. Will quieten itself, Soon enough, someday."