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Monotony is a way of life,

In the crossfire of survival,

It is the silent knife.

The knife awaits patiently

And strikes you calm as night,

You pay no heed,

Until it hurts with all its might.

Crying and wailing,

Becomes a constant sight,

But what we don't realize

Is that we possess the power to end the blight.

Sooner or later

A day will dawn,

We will know

How we have been conned.

Knowing now,

Try we will,

We will chase and plough,

For the mirthy sill.

The harder we try,

The further it goes,

Leaving us with darkness,

One of its many foes.

The more you search,

The further it hides,

You give it space,

It will change the tides.

Don't beg and cry,

Get up and try,

Joy can't be found,

It is with you bound.

Reasons of joy, the more we search,

We will most surely be left in a lurch,

For happiness is not something we find,

In our soul, forever more, it remains intertwined.

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