The swing

70 17 102

When she was a child, her needs were simple

Blades of green grass under her feet, 

Brilliance of the sun from between the clouds,

Chirping birds spreading their wings, flying around 

She watched mesmerised from her swing

As the wind did a number on her wayward hair, 

Her heart soared as the swing leapt higher

And butterflies danced in stomach when she descended;

Her needs were simple, her bliss incandescent.

As she grew both in age and mind, 

Pressures of living made her lose herself 

She forgot what it was like to walk on grass,

The sun seemed harsh, she liked it no more

The chirping birds she no longer saw sore; 

The wind playing with her hair served to annoy her

And she was oblivious of what it felt like to sway anymore. 

One night she was returning home, tired and low, 

She passed the park which saw her grow, 

A smile crept up her face as her eyes grew moist;

Walking down the musty path 

Her eyes drifted to her beloved swing. 

Throwing her bag to the sandy ground

She walked down the grass pathway, her shoes forgone

As she sat on the swing basking in the breeze, 

She felt her heart sore and she felt the butterflies with ease. 

No matter how worn the weather had made her

The swing of her childhood never failed to make her squeal, 

Life may have changed and turned her to stone, 

But the simple joys such as these reminded her of blissful yore. 

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Hey there everyone!

Missed me? 

Well I'm still not back to writing full fledged and may not be anytime soon, but I had some time today in traffic so I thought I could utilise my time better. 

Firstly, how is everyone? Answer the question cause I'm trying to see how many still read this book :p

Secondly, I would personally like to apologise to everyone that went out of their way and voted for Alation at the IndianLiteraryAwards. I should never have participated in the first place. Those people are the most unprofessional buffoons I have every come across. I am really sorry for all the efforts you guys put in, to see them amount to nothing, really pisses me off. I tried my best to get an answer out of their community but they are clearly unrelenting. Anyway, your votes, your love, it all means a lot to me and this alone is bigger than any award!

Lastly, about this one, what do you guys think? I went free verse with it. I have gotten back to enjoying swinging! I generally go swing in the evenings :p When was the last time you'll did that? Could you relate to this one? 

I can't wait to hear from all of you! 


See you'll around!


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