When the sails waver in the wind
And the storm breaks your will,
When your desire has visibly thinned
And life has lost its enticing thrill,
When realisation has you pinned
And stagnation makes you still,
When failures leave you chagrined
And torment pushes you downhill,
When the light around you has dimmed
And you have swallowed the bitter pill,
When your existence is painfully skinned
And you feel the storm will leave you ill,
When fear bates such that you are exscind
And the thunder is horrifically shrill,
When all is lost, your hope is rimmed
And faith delivers silently with skill,
When dark is betrayed, the sky is tinged
And He need only say; "Be", so it will.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Missed me?
This one is pretty self explanatory. But, why it happened? Cause life is full of surprises. I keep getting jolts every now and then. Initially, I used to feel "This is it, last blow. I'm not standing up from this one." Then, my faith strengthened. I came to realise that I never was truly alone. I was weathering the storms in HIS arms. He never left me and He never will. So now when I fall, I look up to the sky and say, "A hand?", And he always delivers.
The night is the darkest before dawn, so all of you out there, struggling; hang on in there, its going to be okay! He need only say, "Be" and all your problems will dissipate!

PoetryHighest Ranking in Poetry: #7 "The elegy of silence, The wailing of fate, The panache of death, The din of rage. Will quieten itself, Soon enough, someday."