Rays of the sun bring hope along
Lighting each crevice long forlorn,
Birds welcome dawn with a chirping song
Roses bloom merrily amid their thorns.
In the buzzing of the city, you toil away
The ticking clock takes away time,
As your life keeps slipping like fragile hay
You wonder if the routine is worth its dime.
When the night befalls the weariness takes over,
With a tired body, yet an empty soul;
The heart wishes things passed slower
So it could find a way to fix its gaping hole.
While the day passes in a rushed blur
It is the night that moves torturously,
When the murmurs of loneliness begin to slur
The pangs of helplessness grip incautiously.
Somehow you manage to survive the night
And as bright as can be, you start anew
Even though the cycle continues its blight,
You hope against hope that you get through.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
How is everyone doing?
Firstly, I wish all of you a very peaceful and fulfilling new year! I hope this one brings with it good tidings <3
Secondly, who could have thought Alation would last so long.. This time, last year, I started us on a journey whose direction I was clueless of. I still am.. Though I sure hope that this little compilation of humbling thoughts has met its desired purpose.. I hope I can continue to write these, and I hope they never lose their essence.
Thirdly, I'm sorry for having gone AWOL for such a long time. Let's just say, life keeps happening and even though I had hoped to write at least three poems a week, I now know that goal was unrealistic. To those of you who still read Alation, know that even though I don't update often, I haven't given up on it.. I'll be around, even though seldom.
Coming to this one, call it ramblings of a tired and kind of lonely mind. How did you like it? Did you even like it? Do let me know!
Until next time . . .

PoetryHighest Ranking in Poetry: #7 "The elegy of silence, The wailing of fate, The panache of death, The din of rage. Will quieten itself, Soon enough, someday."