Hurt, pain, anger, wreck and wrath
Are all evidence of a bloody aftermath.
Shattered hopes and lost paths
Leave the burnt with mere laths.
They say what's lost will never be found,
The flicker that had risen, quietly drowned.
The shattered heart continues to bleed,
The surrendered man wishes only to cede.
He lays quiescent, rotting and seething
In the wake of his misery, he awaits unsheathing.
The soothing words of his concerned folk
Serve only to rile him, his disgust they evoke.
Tall claims of anguish eventually abating,
Make him wonder if memories are deprecating.
His reminiscence only brought him unending grief,
His sullen being disintegrated leaf by leaf.
Each passing day his belief had strengthened,
The world had wronged him, his torment was lengthened.
The inferno that blazed and scorched his soul,
He feared would burn his universe down to ashen coal.
Perched precariously at the edge of a cliff,
A cold wind blew, brought with it a hopeful whiff.
Turning back he smiled in spite of his desolation,
He wouldn't allow the world to enjoy his cessation.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Been a while you'll..
How is everyone doing?
Inferno.. I'm not trying to conceal anything , but this is not all me. This is everyone that suffered with unspoken pain. Life is full of twists and turns we never expect. We may put the hurt behind us but resentment and pain remain. They are like those wounds that never heal. Each time you feel you are over it, each time you feel it can't hurt you anymore; one little change of tide and all the anguish comes right back.
This was merely an attempt to encompass those feelings...
Tell me what you think!

PoetryHighest Ranking in Poetry: #7 "The elegy of silence, The wailing of fate, The panache of death, The din of rage. Will quieten itself, Soon enough, someday."