In the guise of need,
I satiated my greed.
The more I had the more I wanted,
The love for things only mounted.
Until one day, when the sun was blazing,
My lateral thoughts nearly hazing.
Looking out the window; something caught my eye,
The beggar-woman's child I heard painfully cry.
An unfamiliar twisting in my chest,
Put me in a state of unwanted unrest.
Sitting in my air-conditioned car,
Made me flinch and made me char.
Moistness washed over my soul,
I felt the hurt would swallow me whole.
Never again will I complain,
From worldly glimmer, I will try to abstain.
I now know the difference between a need and a want,
Neither my pain nor my gain will I ever flaunt.
The beggar-woman's child taught me about life,
The enigma will forevermore remain rife.
This one is for you CarpeDiem_365. Cause you are the one person I know who has her head screwed tight on her shoulders. May never have met You, but I know you are the voice of reason for many!
PoetryHighest Ranking in Poetry: #7 "The elegy of silence, The wailing of fate, The panache of death, The din of rage. Will quieten itself, Soon enough, someday."