Being a judge is easy, being judged; not as much.
Was this your purpose? Is this who you were meant to be?
Prejudiced in mindset, laced with bigotry and bias.
Isn't it better to restore the broken, lift the fallen and heal the hurting?
We are all waging wars, fighting battles each day.
Life has a way of changing tides, the ride leaves us all scathed.
We deserve better than to be judged and mocked.
Isn't the war worth it if you give a hand to those that need it?
Smile often, people need that more than you know.
Love unabashed, among mediocrity; fondness shouldn't be one.
We live in a cynical world where material status is valued more than the soul.
It's a sorry state because we assume we are here to live forever,
Truth is, we never know when we will breathe our last.
This moment is all we have, live it as though it's your last.
Don't keep feelings bottled up thinking tomorrow will be your day;
If you love someone, tell them
If someone hurt you, talk to them
If you're unhappy, move; you're human not a tree.
Don't break relations in ego, regret is far worse.
Live life in today, for this is your only reality.
Work towards your every dream, don't give in.
Live blissfully, for who knows you may never have a chance again,
Live the way you have imagined, write your own destiny
But while at it, help others write their's too...
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Hello folks!
I let thoughts simply flow today, so here is the first free-verse of Alation! Did you like it? Penny for your thoughts...
I would like to dedicate this to Tabby @CarpeDiem_365, no prizes for guessing why :p Tabby, I was thanking you the other night.. Consider this gratitude! I'm honoured to have met you. I love you!
Also, a side note to my readers... If Alation touched your heart in anyway, please do vote for it in the Indian Literary Awards 2018 @LiteraryCommunityIN . The book has made it to the final round but will only make it further with your support. Voting begins on the 15th of this month and I hope to see you guys there!
Thank you for your continuous support!

PoetryHighest Ranking in Poetry: #7 "The elegy of silence, The wailing of fate, The panache of death, The din of rage. Will quieten itself, Soon enough, someday."