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So, Ela didn't want to come to Martin's concert because she was feeling sick and she wanted to stay home until she feels better. And so I was in concert, singing the few songs I had done with Martin.

And I think Ela is over with that Kevin history. That's too bad. Note the sarcasm.

"Don't you have to go to the studio?" Ela asks me

"No. Andrew said that we will start recording the new album next week. This week , I had all days off. No obligations" I say , sitting next to her.

"Dad can I ask you something?" Ela , says , putting her head on my chest, like she did when she was little

"What is it?"

"Before grandma died, she said that I took my name after grandpa" Ela says.

And yeah, my mom died a few years ago. When Ela was about 5. It was a hard time but this time , Aaliyah,me and Ela were together to support each other. Even if Ela didn't really understand what was happening.

"I wanted to name you Tanner, but when grandpa saw you, he had one wish, to give his name to you. So from Manuel, to Manuela or Ela as we call you" I say, messing with her hair

"Yeah I know. Especially when grandpa found out that Lydia left you and me , he didn't want you to give me for adoption, right?" Ela asks looking at me

"Nobody wanted me to give you for adoption. Lydia wanted to get rid of you, but I loved you. Still love you. And you are mini female version of me. "

"Some people say I look like aunt Aaliyah" Ela says laughing

"Well she is my sister. So yeah you look like her too"

"Anyways, you know that I don't feel Lydia like my mom right? What she did to me and especially to you is awful and I would never what that woman in my life?" Ela asks

"She left us for another guy. Whoever does that, isn't trust worthy. You have heard everything from me , Aaliyah, Kelly and Kayla, Nash, Ed , Andrew, Geoff" I tell her and she nods , looking at her phone before putting it on flight mode

"Remember when I didn't want to come to the concert?" Ela asks me

"Yeah. I really don't know why"

"A woman named Lydia texted me , I don't know where she found my number. She told me that she would be there, waiting to see me and tell me the whole side of her story. She knew that my name is Manuela Zoé Mendes. She knew that you were the only person that touched me for the first time because she didn't want to . She didn't want me to have the feeling that I have a mom" Ela says , with one breath and quickly

"Wait what? That's why you didn't want to... How did she have the balls to text you sand admit doing that? Sorry for swearing." I say, holding Ela near me.

"She texted me again. Saying she wants to meet me , downtown to the Moze coffee. And not tell anyone. Dad , I don't want her to be a part of my life in a any way" Ela says , I take my phone out , texting Andrew and Geoff

"We are going to meet Lydia. I know where that coffee is. It's not downtown. It's a coffee that barely any go there. I'm coming with you. Geoff with Andrew will be in the car" I tell and Ela nods.

Did you have to do this? ( Taylor swift)

Lonely father // S.M. ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now