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My parents came back from France earlier so they can see their granddaughter . They haven't seen her yet cause Lydia doesn't want to show her to anyone for now

"Who will you name her?" Nash asks me , and checks at the nurse passing next to him

"He won't name her if you continue checking the nurses. " Ed says causing Kayla and Kelly to laugh

"She started it" Nash says defending himself

"Okay . We are not here to talk about your sexual life" Aaliyah comments

"Don't you have school?" Ed asks her

"I would have if it wasn't spring break ." Aaliyah says and Ed just drinks from his coffee

"She is a smart 16 year old" I comment , gaining a death look from Aaliyah

"Any possible names?" Kelly asks , as she takes her phone out to note the names

" Well , i was into Delilah , but then I was into Zoe too. But Alexia is a great name too. And Daphne" I say and they know that I'm the type of person that can easily choose

"I would prefer something like Heather or Angela " my mom says , giving a bottle of water to all of us

"Maybe we should also asks Lydia what she wants before make a decision . If you ask me , Manuela would fit her " my dad says . And he is right . I should hear Lydia's view of point too

"Alright, but first let's see which names , the wheels picked" Kayla says , and Kelly rights all the names we said into the app she download

"Heather , Zoe , Delilah , Angela , Alexia , Daphne and Manuela" ?Nash reads from Kelly's phone and he drugs with finger so the digital wheel can spin

We wait a few seconds until the wheel stops at the two names

"Well?" My parents say at the same moment

"It's Daphne Zoe Heather Mendes" Ed says

"I thought you would only pick 2" Aaliyah comments

"I accidentally pressed 3 names" Nash says and dad seems sad that the name he suggested isn't in

" It's just an app . It doesn't mean anything to me" I say

"And how will you name her then?" Kayla asks drinking from her bottle of water

" Manuela Zoe Mendes" I say ans they look at me , waiting to explain why I picked that " Manuela from dad cause he hs aways been my inspiration , no offense mom I still love you . And Zoe because in Greek , Zoe means ' life ' . And she is my life " I explain

"I'm not offended Shawn" my mom says , messing my hair

"I'm gonna cry" Kelly says , she is the emotional one

" Manuela Zoe Mendes it is then" Nash says , writing down the name

Ed looks at me , and he seems emotional too . He never came in touch with his dad so this must be too much for him

"You should go see Lydia" Kayla says and they all nod

"Don't forget to bring Manuela" Aaliyah says and I smile at her , as i get up and walk to the floor Lydia is

Manuela Zoe Mendes. Manuela Zoe Mendes. I just can't stop telling it . I want to tattoo that so I won't forget it . Not that i would ever forget her name

Manuela Zoe Mendes wow .

I open the door and see Lydia's bed empty , and Manuela next to the bed alone

I forgot to tell you that we are sharing the room with another lady , that gave  birth to twin , the same time with Lydia . Her husband is in the army .

"Have you seen Lydia?" I ask her , as she tries to put asleep one of the twins

"I'm so sorry Shawn , but your sister..." She says , not able to say the rest of it

"I'm her husband, not brother" I tell her she seems shocked

"So she didn't leave only the baby?" She says , with tears in her eyes

"What do you mean left? Cam you explain to me?"

"A blonde man came here with her luggage and they left. They told the doctor that you will take care of the baby .  I didn't know that you were together and that she has a lover . She said to let you to keep her safe and tell her when she grows up the whole story , because is not coming back" the lady explains

"She..left me and the baby?"

"I'm so sorry. Leaving your husband and daughter for someone else was never good. I'm so sorry. For both of you " she says and Manuela starts crying

I walk to get and get her in my hands , and try to put her asleep . But how can I calm her down , when I'm a mess?

I decided to name her Manuela Zoe Mendes💁🏻‍♂️
Plus , I feel sorry for Shawn ans Manuela🙎🏼‍♀️

Lonely father // S.M. ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now