Chapter 1

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Nick's POV
I can't believe Mariana would do this to me how could she
*stares at his fathers gun in the glove compartment*
I think I know what I'm going to do *stuffing the gun into his backpack*
*Nick walks into class late*
Jude's POV
I overhear Daria asking Taylor if I kissed her and she says so what. Why is Daria always in my business first it was Connor now with Taylor can't I just have friends and not have her judge me, I then hear them talking about Connor and me being gay. Again why is this always a topic of conversation I bet Callie will say the same thing if I'm just sitting near Taylor can't I just be whatever I want and date whoever without being questioned ugh.
Jesus' POV
Emma storms over and slams her locker
"Woah you good?"
"Yea I'm fine!, wanna have sex?" Emma says with a smirk
Mariana's POV
*Mat walks over*
"Hey Mariana is Nick ok?"
"Is he here because I haven't seen him all day and he hasn't answered any of my texts"
"Well he was late for first period and seemed kinda off"
*bell rings*
Lena's POV
*over at the office* *Mike walks in*
"Hey has anyone seen Nick Stratos the warehouse burned down and it looks like arson to me so has anyone seen him?"
Mariana's POV
"Hey Catalina have you seen Nick anywhere?"
"No why?"
"He hasn't been answering my texts all day and I'm worried"
"Well sorry I can't help I'll see you later love you"
"Love you too Cat"
*Mariana's phone pings*
Nick- I saw you kissing Mat in the garage last night
Mariana- it's not what you think I swear meet me at our spot?
Nick- yes
*after Nick and Mariana had their talk she goes to the office to tell them Nick seems off while his dad happens to be there*
Stef's POV
"So do you think Nick could harm anyone or himself"
"What are you talking about" Mr.Stratos says he confused
"Does he have access to any weapons"
"Do you keep a gun in the house or not" says Mike sternly
"I own a gun , yes I have a carry permit but I keep it locked in my car"
"Well let's go have a look shall we"
"That doesn't seem necessary"
*opens trunk finding that the gun has been taken*
"Think we should give Nick a call right about now"
*Nicks car is driving near them while exiting school grounds*
"Stop the car now, come out with your hands up!!"
"Woah woah this seems a little much for cutting a class I just took Nicks car to take Emma out"
"In the middle of the school day nice Jesus, now come with us Nick seems to have a gun on campus"
"Code blue this is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill" Lena says over the P.A
"Yes Jude honey"
"What's going on?"
"It's okay love , have you seen Mariana honey?"
"I love you"
"I love you too now get into class sweetheart"
Mariana's POV
*meanwhile in the bathroom*
"Mariana I'm scared what are we supposed to do"
"I don't know Cat all I know is that we have to stick together"
"C'mon we have to hurry up and get to a classroom"
"Ok let's go"
*knocking on doors of classrooms*
"Let us in please it's Mariana and Catalina Foster, Open the door please, Open the door please!"
"Please let us in!"
"Please let us in we are stuck out here in the hallway!" they pleaded in unison
"Mariana it's no use nobody is gonna let us in c'mon we should go back to the bathroom and lock ourselves in the stalls hurry up!"
Stef's POV
"They've called in the SWAT team, they should be here within five minutes"
"Excuse me I got a robocall saying the school is going on lockdown?" says a mother with a lot of worry in her voice
"Yes that is right"
"What is going on?"
"There is no need to panic Miss but we have reason to believe that someone might be on campus with a gun"
"Wait, wait. Wait excuse me I would like to take my child home now"
"I understand but right now that is not possible the best thing to do for you and your child is to wait in the designated meeting area" Stef said trying to sound reassuring
"Officer Johnson is going to escort you to the meeting area"
"This is ridiculous"
"I never found Mariana or Catalina I assume they got back to their class, are all the kids accounted for?"
"Um, not yet but we haven't gotten roll call back from all the classes yet, we have Emma and Jesus here and Jude is in his classroom but we still haven't heard back about Mariana , Catalina ,Callie , or Brandon." Lena says worriedly
"What is taking so long?"
"Well one of the classes has a sub which could mean it's gonna take a little longer, don't worry"
Catalina's POV
"Mariana...... I... can'"
"Cat are you having another attack?"
*she nods her head*
"It's ok just calm down, ok now breathe"
"I'm..just so scared...what's gonna...ha..happen to us"
"Don't worry I'm here with you it's fine just breathe"
*a little while later Cat closes her eyes not knowing she would pass out from the stress*
Jesus' POV
*Emma starts laughing*
"What? Are you ok?"
"Sorry this is just what happens when I get nervous"
"Emma just breathe okay take a deep breath it's ok we're gonna be fine"
" I just can't believe this is all happening because of Nick"
"Did he seem upset to you this morning?"
"Yeah he told me I was a good friend"
"Well you are a good friend"
"It wasn't like that though the way he was talking was a lot more heavy like he was.."
"Like he was gonna do something to himself"
I hope Mariana and Catalina are alright because I swear if something happens to them I will never forgive myself.
"We got the last roll from the sub's room and it looks like Brandon and Callie are in this room"
"I thought the sub was doing middle school though" Monte asks with confusion in her face
"Yea I guess they must have gotten pulled in when we called the lockdown"
"Thank god because it looks like they are the ones taking roll call and sending out all the emails"
"Hold on let me see" Lena says as she starts typing into the computer asking if they are ok
"Wait a minute this can't be the last class Mariana and Catalina aren't here no one has them"
"Okay I'm sure it's fine we probably just missed their names somewhere"
"You don't think they're with Nick, do you?" Jesus asks with worry in his voice
I swear to god if he did anything to them I will kill him
"Hold on" she says as she starts typing in if anyone had seen them
"Mama....Mama where are they?"
"I don't know"
I see Mama get up and go straight to the door but Mike stops her, she said she was going to get them because they are probably alone and scared in the building, but he holds her back and tries to calm her down because she could be target practice to somebody with a gun
"Stef we have all the kids accounted for except for Cat and Mariana" Lena says as Stef's heart drop on the other end
*SWAT starts walking into the building to start evacuating students from the classrooms*
Stef's POV
*Jude's classroom is the first to evacuate*
Okay Jude is safe let's hope all the other kids are too the next class is the office thank god, Lena comes out with so much worry in her eyes
"Where are they why can't they find them"
"It's okay honey just calm down
Mariana's POV
I hope someone finds Catalina and I soon because she is passed out, I hope she's alright
*the bathroom door opens then closes*
Oh my god they are bashing open the bathroom stalls
*Mariana thinks to herself on the brink of tears*
Stef's POV
*a gun is fired*
I have to see if my babies are ok *Stef thinks to herself while running into the school*
"Shots fired I repeat shots have been fired"
"Stef Stef Stef!!!" Lena shouts
I walk into Brandon and Callie's class, turns out an idiot teacher brought a gun to school
"Are you guys okay?"
One of the men from SWAT comes up to me
"You're Foster right?"
"Yes I am"
"Come with me please"
He takes me to the bathroom
"Your daughters are in here ma'am"
I see Mariana crying and Catalina passed out in one of the stalls
"Mom... Catalina just passed out.... I don't know if she is okay" Mariana chokes out between tears
I pick up Catalina and walk with Mariana towards the exit of the school with SWAT behind us, I'm glad Catalina is so small she weighs the same as a feather causing me no trouble while carrying her.
Lena walks over to hug Mariana while the paramedics take Catalina and set her on a stretcher, out of the corner of my eye I see Jesus running towards his sister engulfing her in an emotional hug before walking over to Catalina while squeezing her hand hoping that she is alright
Jesus' POV
I see Mariana walk out with Stef carrying Cat in her arms I started running towards Mari and engulf her in the biggest hug possible, she scared me to death, then I look over at Catalina on the stretcher and go over to squeeze her hand, I hope she is okay because if she isn't I don't know what I would do with myself, they put an oxygen mask on her they tell Stef and Lena that she's fine and just needs a little oxygen, then I see her eyes flutter open
"Yea Cat I'm here don't worry you're fine"
"I was so scared, I thought I wasn't going to see you ever again" she says as tears roll down her cheeks
"Now you're okay so just breathe I'm standing right here next to you" I say as I squeeze her hand, she squeezes my hand back
"I love you Jesus you're the best brother I could ask for"
"I love you too Cat"
We're in the car now while Cat is fast asleep on my shoulder she looks so innocent while she's asleep she didn't deserve to go through anything that had happened today, we are finally at home and Cat is cradled in my arms digging her head into my chest
"Guys just hold on I'm going to do a clean sweep of the house before we go in ok"
Stef walks in does her job and comes out
"We're all clear you can go in now"
We all walk in the house in complete silence

A/N okay so I hope you guys like this sorry if it's pretty long I tried to incorporate as much I could into the story from the show but if you have any requests feel free to write them below thanks ❤️

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