Chapter 4

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Jesus' POV
"Good morning" I say groggily
I look down and Cat looks miserable like she hasn't slept in days , her response is a bright smile surprisingly
"Ok say what ever you want at least I don't snore like a bulldozer when I sleep" I hear Mariana say to Callie , meanwhile Cat jumps out of bed
"What are you talking about I'm not the one who snores I bet you it's Brandon just banging on his keyboard down the hall"
"What ever you say Mister" Mariana says while strutting away
How can Cat look so happy after what happened last night I thought,she looks like a zombie yet her expressions look like she got accepted to Harvard which I expect her to because she's so smart. What she doesn't realize is that she was sleeping next to me she acted as if it's a normal thing she always does, but then again if she isn't having nightmares I don't care what I do as long as she's ok I'm ok.
Catalina's POV
I wake up from what felt like the best sleep I've had in years, I look up and see Jesus completely passed out snoring like a cow, I realize why I slept so well I was practically sleeping on Jesus' chest like a kitten does to its owner it's a weird comparison but I guess it makes sense. I hear him say good morning once he opens his eyes yet his voice comes out all groggy instead of the chirpiness meant to come out. I hear Mariana retort telling Callie that she was snoring like bulldozer and the best defense she comes up with is it was Brandon banging on his keyboard which was pretty pathetic because Brandon would never play in the morning let alone comes here anymore since he moved in with Cortney. I jump off the bed and head to the bathroom to freshen up leaving Jesus just lying on my bed sprawled out like a star.
"Guys breakfast is ready!" Lena shouts
"Coming!" Jesus says suddenly really chirpy as if he just got a date with some girl
*down stairs*
"So how did you guys sleep last night" Stef asks while passing around the pancakes
"Great and my morning is getting even better now that there's pancakes for breakfast" Jude replied
I just nodded with a bright smile on my face, I'm so confused as to why I'm so happy today considering what happened last night but yet I give no effort to talk despite my happiness.
I go back up to my room and start working on the work I had missed while I was at the hospital and realized that I missed so much.
*a few hours later*
I finally finished all my work so I start working on an anniversary gift for moms' , I finished it and it was a cute card with a drawing on the inside of our family and I thought it was the cutest thing I've ever made, then everyone comes walking in the door since school was over, I see Jesus waltzing in with the goofiest smile I've seen, he sees the confused look on my face and replies with a great answer
"Moms said that we are gonna try and get Gabe off the sex offenders list"
I then nod my head in response, we had learned a while ago that Gabe was my biological father also which couldn't be explained based on my logic but then again who cares DNA doesn't make a family love does and I will forever live by that quote.
*later that day*
"Hey Brandon's having a party later at his and Cortney's place wanna come?" Jesus asks
I shrug my shoulders I have nothing else to do so I might as well go, to ya know keep an eye on Jesus because only god knows how much trouble he could cause.
"Hey guys come on in" Brandon greets us as he opens the door
I take a step inside and I'm in awe how could he afford to pay half the rent for this place it's such a cute house.
"Come into the kitchen we have beer and I'm making skinny margaritas" says Cortney
I see Jesus toss Brandon some toilet paper wrapped up as a gift and I smile at this inside joke because earlier Brandon was home getting some necessities and got busted by Mom it was the funniest thing I've seen in a while
"Oh my God! I think i just saw my mom, Guys moms here" says Mariana
"Wait someone's mom's here" says one of Cortney's friends
"Are you sure?" asks Callie
"Yea I just saw her in the window, i think" Mariana answers back
*there is a knock on the door*
"I'm out" says Jesus
I walk right behind him I definitely do not want to be on the other end of an angry mom, after the party we decide to go to the store to buy moms flowers and another card for their anniversary
"Anyone home?" Says Jesus
"We're in here!" Lena calls back
"Hi!" Mariana says excitedly
"Hi guys how was your night" Stef asks
"Yea it was good"
"How was your night?"
"Oh, it was great" Lena replies
"We got you guys flowers, and a card, and Cat made you guys another one this morning" Jesus says breaking the silence
"No way oh my goodness thank you!" Stef says ecstatically
"Mhm happy anniversary" Jesus says
"Goodnight guys" Mariana and Jesus say in unison
"Goodnight my babies" Stef answers back
*the next morning*
We're waiting for Ana and Gabe to tell us the verdict if Gabe is finally getting of the list, I'm standing next to Jesus who is clearly very nervous.
"Shouldn't have they called by now" Jesus says
"Well these things take time" Lena says while organizing the coffee table
"Is the judge gonna make a decision today?" Jesus asks
"Honey, I don't know" Lena says while there is a knock at the door
"Oh hi we were expecting a call come in, come in" Lena says opening the door revealing Ana and Gabe
"We didn't want to give you this news over the phone" Ana says causing Jesus to worry even more
"I'm done I'm off the list" Gabe says letting all the worry go away for Jesus who runs up to him and gives him a hug
"That's fantastic that's such great news" Lena says as she hugs him
"Thank you"

A/N hey guys sorry this is another short chapter but I wanted to end it on a happy note so I hope you guys like this chapter ❤️

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