Chapter 22

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Catalina's POV
"Hey! So, um, there's a board meeting tomorrow at school." I hear Mariana say from the living room

"They're gonna be voting on the whole private charter thing."

"So a bunch of us are gonna be there and try and save the school."

"Uh, you guys should try and come."

Well now I know what I'm going to do to tomorrow might as well prepare some things to protest. I just gotta finish my sandwich then head up stairs and get caught up on some work.

"Yeah, sure, we'll be there."

"Yeah, of course."



*the next day*

"Good turnout, huh?

"Yeah! Yeah, it's a good thing that somebody tweeted the rumor, you know?"

Jesus says which leads me to believe that he knows it was probably Mariana who did it. And suggesting by his tone of voice he's gonna confront her about the anonymous account.

"Yeah, I know, right."

"Look, I I know it was you."

"What? The the the the Twitter account."

"No no Secrets, or whatever? I I know that it was you. Look, I'm not stupid, Mariana."

"In fact, you're the stupid one for thinking that no one was gonna figure it out."

"I cannot believe that you knew about Emma, and you you didn't tell me." Jesus says angrily

What about Emma? I'm kind of lost now. How did this go from an anonymous twitter account confrontation to talking about his girlfriend?

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry, Jesus! You have a freaking TBI."

"Y y you flipped out when there was a pepperoni on your pizza."

"So excuse me for not telling you that your girlfriend was pregnant."

Pregnant?!?? Hold up wait am I the only one who's shocked by this. Now I understand why Jesus is so mad. But pregnant I feel so left out why don't I ever know what's going on in this family.

"And for the record, I didn't know until a little while ago."

And for the record I didn't know at all.  Leaving only me in this little group that knew absolutely nothing.

"She didn't tell me."

"So if you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at Brandon." Mariana says throwing Brandon under the bus, making me realize that he also knew this entire time.

"Why would I be mad at Brandon?"


"Why are you doing this?! Nick doesn't even go to school here anymore." I hear Mariana yell to Mr. Stratos, leaving me in shock that he's here

"Whose fault is that? You know everything that happened with Nick is because of you."

"You're the reason, he he stalked me, and he broke into my house.

"You're the reason he could have hurt everyone in this school! And you're the reason he almost killed himself. And you're the reason he hurt my sister!"
Mariana explodes

"He never had a chance with a father like you.
Hasn't your family done enough damage to Anchor Beach? I'm not gonna let you take my school."

"Thing is you don't have a say."

"Hey! Hey, what's going on?" Brandon says walking up to Emma and I

"They won't let us into the meeting." Mariana says

"You're kidding."

"Hey, so I I I think, uh Jesus is starting to get suspicious." Brandon says

"Are you sure?"

"Wait! I was just with him a little while ago, he didn't say anything." Emma says not knowing that Mariana outed Brandon

"No, I'm I'm sure."

"Did you? Hey, did you know about Emma?" Jesus says walking over

"What what about?"

"That she was pregnant!"

"Shh! Quiet, Jesus!"

"Come here, come on, stop!"


"Why did you know?! Why didn't you why would you tell him?"

"I didn't! He" Emma says frantically trying to avoid an explosion from Jesus

"I I figured it out."

"And - And and and what, Brandon?!"

"And and I went with her to"

"What Wait, wait, you You took Emma to to get an an abortion?!" Well I don't think Jesus knew that part, but at least Brandon supported her.

"Stop, Jesus, stop, okay?! She was scared, she needed a friend, and she couldn't tell you."

"Why couldn't she tell me?! Why couldn't you tell me?! I mean, everyone else knew! My whole freaking family knew!" To be fair I didn't know

"Emma, why couldn't you why couldn't you tell me?" Jesus says upset

"I'm sorry, Jesus."

"I really am, I just I thought that it was for the best."

"Because because the baby was his." Jesus says completely throwing me off

"That's why you didn't want to tell me."

"Because the baby was Brandon's."

"Jesus, that"

"Guys, come here! They're not gonna let us in, so we're not gonna let them out!" I hear Jude say

"No, hey, hey!"

"Jesus!" Emma yells as Jesus runs off

"Wait, let me, let me."


"Education is a right! Not just for the rich and white! Education is a right! Not just for the rich and white! Education is a right! Not just for the rich and white! Education is a right! Not just for the rich and white! Education is a right! Not just for the rich and white! Education is a right!" We all say chanting, me included

A/N oh boy finals I'm not ready I'm so scared that I'm gonna fail miserably and completely ruin my grades, but other than that I tried to make this a decently long chapter. Ramadan is almost over just a few more days and I am so ready. Other than that I hope you guys really enjoy this chapter~ Much Love ❤️

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