Chapter 20

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Catalina's POV
Mariana is currently trying to figure out where Gabe is and why his phone is disconnected. It's as if he doesn't want to talk to us. But then again it's just a theory I don't actually know why. Hence Mariana "detectiving" about to find Gabe and question him.

Mariana is back from searching for Gabe and she comes in excitedly, hinting that she may have found an answer to our suspicions.

"So I saw Gabe and he told me that he's moving to Lake Tahoe that's why his phone was disconnected" Mariana explained

"God if Jesus finds out he'll be crushed that you can't do his senior project anymore"

"He said it's because he got a job offer there and that he was gonna take it" Mariana says

Of course as soon as he gets a job offer he's about to leave without a second thought or telling us anything about it.  It's as if we don't exist. But hey it's not like I don't expect him to tell us anything about his personal life anyways.

"Wow now what are we gonna do?" I say worried about Jesus

*later at breakfast*

"Morning, everybody." Mama says as she is walking into the kitchen

"Morning Mama"  I was the only one who answered

"Okay there is literally no food in this house." They all groan and complain about our food shortage

"I know, sorry, sorry! I did not have time to go to the store yesterday, but I will go today, I promise."

"Hey, Mama, do you think that Noah and I could decorate Taylor's locker this weekend? Her birthday is on Monday." Jude asks

"Oh, honey, that's really sweet, but you know it's not allowed. They consider it defacing school property."

"Well, that's kinda harsh, isn't it? " Mom says

"Hey, so what do you guys think about, uh, giving Jesus my room? " Brandon says

"Like, permanently?"

"Really? That's awfully nice of you, B."

"Well, not so nice."

"I was kind of hoping I could move into the garage?"  Brandon suggests

"Well, Callie, Cat and Mariana might have an opinion about that."

"Well, I'm sure Mariana will have an opinion, but I'm fine with it, I don't want to sleep up there."

"Yea me neither" I agree with Callie

I definitely don't want to live there. It's creepy and disgusting. Either way I don't appreciate living alone so it's not like I would.

"I think that's a great idea."

"Oh, do you? Well, we will talk about it."

"Why don't you guys get a move on? Your brains are not going to enrich themselves."


"So Gabe's homeless that's why he was moving"

"What do you mean he was moving?" I say confused

"He's moving into the garage now"

"Wait seriously?!" I say baffled

Well Brandon is not going to appreciate this.



"No one's out there! It's just empty."

"Please, Mama, Jesus needs Gabe to help him with the tree house." Mariana pleads

"He can't do that from Tahoe." Mariana says pleading her case

"Mariana, it's a really big ask."

"I know, but I'm sure he'd only be living out there - for a couple months tops."

"Out where?"

"The garage?"

"Gabe's moving in." Mariana says

"Nothing has been decided yet." Mama say to prevent anybody from jumping to conclusions

"What about me?" Brandon says

"What about you?" Mariana says confused

"I'm gonna move in the garage." Brandon says

"So Jesus can keep my room." Brandon further explains

"How generous." Mariana says sarcastically

"Hey, I'm the one who offered Jesus my room in the first place."

"Okay, well, what if I wanted to live out there, huh?" Mariana says theoretically

"Do you?"

"Ew, no." Mariana says disgusted


"Oh, hey, how was the trip?" I say to Callie as she walks in

"Oh, it was good."

"Callie already said she doesn't want to move in the garage."

"You did?"

"Yeah! I like sharing with you." Callie says to Mariana

"Aw. I like sharing with you too."

"So? Okay, look, you have Jesus' bed, Gabe doesn't have anywhere."

"Whoa, what what about Gabe?" Jesus says walking in

"Oh, uh, well, he needs a place to stay if he's gonna help us, so - I volunteered the garage." Mariana explains to Jesus

"Well, Mama, can he?"

"I really need to discuss this with Mom first."

"But if she says no, does that mean that that we don't get to build the tree house?"

"I'm sure we can we can work something out."


"Yeah, of course, sure." Brandon says blatantly

"Okay, Jesus, your medication."

"How long do I have to take this for?"

"Five years, honey."

"Are there any side effects?" Jesus asks

"Well, they usually list them on the bottle."

"Let me have it."

"Side effects include dizziness, blurred vision, skin rash and impotence." Jesus reads not realizing he was reading

"Wait, wait a minute, are you reading that?"

"What? Am I? I whoa!" Jesus says in disbelief

"I am!"

"Oh my God! You're reading!" Brandon says as we all start talking excitedly

"Yeah, yeah, no Keep going, keep going." Mama urges not able to keep the happiness in

"Um, I take one capsule by mouth two to three times a day!" Jesus says happily

A/N so wow new chapter who knew that was coming, I definitely didn't (great sarcasm am I right?).  But there's no school tomorrow so I'm hype then I got a field trip for my biology class to the beach on Tuesday so looking forward to this week going by in a flash.  I still need two more chapters for the Peter Parker book if I intend on revising then posting it. As you can see I was too lazy to fix last chapter so ya know might as well keep it as a filler even though this whole book is fillers, I literally don't have a plot it's hilarious. Other than that I hope you guys really enjoy another one of my trashy chapters ~ Much love ❤️

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