Chapter 7

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Catalina's POV
"The only way we'll be ready in time for competition  is if the whole robotics team is working 24/7: before school, during lunch, after school, free periods, even nights" Mariana went on about STEAM
"Well is it okay if we schedule in some time to sleep?" Jesus said
"You can sleep when it's over" Mariana retorted
"What do you mean I'm with Jesus on this one I don't want to look like a zombie" I said
"Well look who decided to join us" Mom says as Callie walks in
"Sorry I was doing homework at AJ's and we lost track of time" Callie said obviously lying
"Okay, family dinner is not an option, it's the only time I get to see all of your beautiful faces" Mom said
"Oh yeah  then why don't you make Brandon come?" Jesus said
"Hey!" I whispered while slapping his arm
"Um, actually Brandon was at Mike's for dinner" Callie added
"How nice, maybe if we're lucky one of these days we'll be graced with his presence too." Mom said sarcastically
"Mariana will you please put your cellphone away at the dinner table" Mom said while Mariana was texting
"Well can I be excused then" Mariana said
"Yes" Mama said at the same time as Mom
"No" Mom said at the same time as Mama
"What? We just sat down" Mom argued
"But she's the first female team leader it's a big deal" Mama argued back
"Are there any more potatoes?" Jude says, I figure out he's probably high by his monotone voice
"He speaks!" Callie exclaims
"What? Who?" Jude says clearly confused by the statement
"You and your brother are going to eat us out of house and home" Mom says
"Yeah you got that Mom" I say agreeing
"Uh, speaking of house had anyone heard from Gabe lately?" Mama asked
"Uh, no why?" Jesus asks
"Because he hasn't been by to work in the garage in days, and I'm starting to think he's blowing us off" Mama answers
"Well he was here yesterday when I got home from school." Jesus says covering for Gabe
"He was?" Mom says
"Doesn't look like he did much" Mama said
"Well he's gonna get it done what's the hurry anyway" Jesus retaliates
"Hey watch your tone" Mama scolds
"It's the principle of the matter Jesus, we did something for Gabe, and in exchange he promised to do something for us, he needs to keep his word" Mom answers back to Jesus
"Well he is" Jesus says defending Gabe once again
*the next day*
We're in STEAM working in the robot and Jesus is nowhere to be found which is absolutely great, note the sarcasm.
"Hey Mariana do you have any idea where Jesus is?" I ask
"He just texted me saying he had to run home to get his gym stuff of course he forgot" Mariana says definitely not having it
"No no, okay what were you thinking running wire in the exterior?" Mariana says
"Well--" I start saying until Mariana cuts me off
"You're just asking for it to get cut on the field
"But I--" I start saying until she cuts me off again
"These kinds of mistakes are gonna get us slaughtered" Mariana says rudely
"All right" I say while trying to fix it
"Here I'll do it myself " Mariana says shoving her way into my spot where I'm standing
Now I understand what Jesus had to live with on a daily basis before I came along, at least don't shove me I'm just healing from having broken ribs jeesh and wait for it Jesus walks in of course
"Where have you been" Mariana say practically about to explode
"I hit my head and--" Jesus is explaining until Mariana cuts him off obviously
"Whatever! Just help Cat mount the shooter. Where my soldering iron?" Mariana says
"Yea don't worry I'm sure I'm fine it's probably just a concussion" Jesus says sarcastically
"She's been like this all day and it's driving me mad" I say clearly fed up with Mariana
"Yeah well welcome to the last sixteen years of my life" Jesus says chuckling
"What did you do?" I say as I notice a band aid on his forehead
"I just got into it with a nail gun, you should see the other guy- gun uh never mind" he says
"Does it hurt?" I ask
"Yea a little, you don't have any extra aspirin do you?" He asks
"Yea I kinda have to because my ribs still hurt" I jokingly retort
"Please don't tell me you were covering for Gabe" I say being more serious
"Yea he hasn't been showing up because he's sick" he answers
"Well I'm glad my older brother is being a good guy but you gotta be careful more" I say meaningfully
"So how are your ribs feeling" Jesus asks
"They've obviously been better but it's still kinda hard to breath" I say
"Well you just gotta give it some time then you'll be good as new" Jesus advises
"Yea I know" I say
"Less talky more worky" Mariana says interrupting our conversation
*later at home*
"Mariana could you put that away please" Mom says
"Sorry one sec, I have so much to do in this robot I should really be in the lab right now" Mariana says distracted by her many texts
"Okay well this is not gonna take long, we just want to guys to know first that everything is ok" Mom explains as to why we're here
"Everything is fine" Mama says backing up Mom
"So what's up then?" Callie asks
"We-- we're selling the house" Mom says hesitantly
"Are you serious" Jesus says in disbelief
"What- why" Mariana says
"For financial reasons" Mom says
"What's going on with you? Are you okay?" Mama says to Jesus
"Yea he's fine he bumped his head" Mariana says blatantly
"How'd you do that?" Mom asks
"It's fine I just have a headache" Jesus says
"So we're losing the only home we've ever known that's great." Mariana says
I'm focusing on Jesus,while everyone else is arguing , he doesn't look okay at all he kinda looks like he's gonna pass out but I don't know I may be a "genius" as Jesus puts it, but I'm no doctor
"Where are you going" mom says while Jesus is getting up
"I don't -- I don't feel so good" he says
"Jesus oh my god!" Mom says running up to an unconscious Jesus
"Are you okay" Mama says running up to them
We are now at the hospital and it's taking forever I'm sitting her wondering why Jesus passed out if he hit himself in the head with a nail gun, he probably just forgot to eat honestly
"Mrs.Foster?" The doctor asks
"Did you find anything?" Mom asks
"We did, something pretty surprising" the doctor says while showing them an X-ray of Jesus' skull
"Is that a --" Mom says
"A nail, as you can see it's embedded several inches into his frontal lobe, first of all it's not life threatening and we're lucky it didn't reach his motor cortex" the doctor explains
"So he's gonna be okay" Mom asks clearly concerned
"There is a slight chance this could affect his speech center, we won't know until we remove it" the doctor keeps explaining
"How--how did this happen?" Mom says in disbelief
"Well has he been using a nail gun?" The doctor asks
"Has he?" Mom asks
"Not on the robot" Mariana says
"He told me he was working in the garage covering for Gabe and that the gun recoiled and hit him in the head" I say fessing up
"Why wouldn't he say something" Mama says killing the silence
"The skull has pain sensitive nerves but there aren't any in the brain itself, so he probably didn't realize he did anything more than nick himself" the doctor explains yet again
"Okay is he awake? Is he aware of what's happening?" Mom asks
"We have him sedated and we're prepping him for surgery, and Dr.Wong our top neurosurgeon is on her way, so your son will be in the best hands possible" the doctor says
"Can we see him" Mama asks
"Uh yes but just the moms for now"
Jesus is finally out of surgery and we get to see him.
"Hey my love how are you?" Mom says
"Jueves cheeseburger para hermana y private taco" Jesus says weakly
"What baby?" Mom says utterly confused
"Psych!" Jesus says laughing
"Ugh!" Mariana says while slapping Jesus' leg
"What c'mon" Brandon says unamused
"Hey it's a good look for you" Mariana says gesturing to the thing on Jesus' face
"So they went up your nose and into your brain?" Callie asks
"Meh probably wasn't too hard there's a lot of extra space up there" I say jokingly
"Haha" Jesus laughs sarcastically
"Are you in pain?" Mom asks
"No it's not bad" Jesus says
"Mhm well you are banned from using power tools for the rest of your natural life" Mama says
"I know we're all upset about the house but it doesn't matter where we live. Home it's just where we're all together. Yes?" Mom says kinda sounding like a greeting card
We're all gathered around Jesus bed and I'm squeezing/holding his hand,kinda hard to explain what I'm doing but, it's just so serene until Mama says exactly what I was thinking
"You kind of sound like a greeting card" Mama says reading my mind, while we all laugh

A/N I kinda shied away from the rib thing for now but it'll come back later on I promise but I kinda want to follow the story line so I obviously wrote this in, sorry that I'm updating really late but it was a pretty long chapter to write but I hope you guys likes this chapter ❤️

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