Chapter 16

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Catalina's POV
So at the moment Mariana and I are at therapy along with moms and we're discussing about Mariana's problems and of her feeling powerless that's not surprising, given what happened to her with Nick.

"Um, but I think it goes deeper than that." The therapist begins

"All the way back to early childhood."

"And, unfortunately, some of those same feelings. Feelings of fear and powerlessness are being re-experienced by her at home."

"Well... I... I mean... does this have to do with the... the doors being taken off?" Mom asks

Yes Mom actually took our doors off which caused a huge state of panic between Mariana and Brandon, obviously because they cherish their alone time as do I but what's happened with me and Jesus just a while ago I'd rather be with someone than alone.

"That's one example, yes."

"That's one example, so... in what other ways does... does she feel powerless at home?"

" Because honestly, from my perspective, she... she exerts her will on all of us pretty much all of the time."

"I'm glad you used those words, 'from my perspective,' because that's really the issue here."

"Tell me what you see right there."

"Um... I guess that's a 'W.' " Mom says

"Lena?" I agree with Mama since we're sitting next to each other

"Um... I see a three."

"How about you, Mariana?"

"Obviously, it's an 'M.' "

"Well, I see an 'E.' My point is, that we can never assume that our perspective is the only perspective."'

"Which is why communication is so important."

"All right, well,. communication is not the problem in our family, I don't think it is. The secrets are, which is the failure to communicate."

"Not to mention deliberately withholding, misbehaving, flat out lies..." Mom continues

"And that's why you took all your kids' doors off."


"I absolutely hear your frustration, however, uh, bedroom doors, aren't the reason that kids shut their parents out."

"Lack of trust is." Right when I hear those words I finally understand even clearer than I did before why Mariana was so upset.

"Trust that you're going to hear them, that you're going to respect their feelings without assigning your own perceptions to them."

"Okay... Do we do that? When have we done that?"

"We always encourage the kids to talk to us, all the time, about anything."

"But then you call me melodramatic, and act like my feelings aren't as important as... Jesus' and Cat's injuries or..."

"Brandon's drama or Callie maybe going to prison."

"Okay, well... maybe their problems are a lot bigger than mine, but..."

"No, honey, don't do that to yourself."

"I mean, Nick held a gun to your head."

"But Catalina was the one who was shot" Mariana adds with emphasis

As Mariana said that I shuddered at the thought of that day, I hate talking about what happened I just try to avoid it as much as possible.

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