Chapter 24

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Catalina's POV
"Congratulations!" We all say excitedly as Callie walks in with moms, all of us except for me in which I say it half heartedly.

I already know this isn't gonna end well but thanks to Mariana she practically dragged me down here. Even though I told her Moms wouldn't be happy about it at all but hey no one ever listens to me. It's not like I skipped Middle School altogether though. But hey don't listen to the young kids of the family am I right?

"What, uh what's this?" Mom says confused with a hint of disbelief

"Well, my lawyers called this afternoon, and all charges have been dropped against Callie." Callie's birth father begins

"I am so proud of you." He continues

"You stuck to your guns."

"You, uh, even saved an innocent kid from spending the rest of his life in prison." He adds on

"Hip-hip!" Mariana begins to cheer

"Hooray!" As the boys begin answering to her cheers

"Come on, guys."

"Our sister's a hero."

"Hip-hip!" Mariana cheers

"Hooray!" The boys answer





"You guys want cake?" Mariana asks as we walk I to the kitchen

"Robert, we appreciate everything you do for Callie.
We just would have liked a little bit of a head's up."

I hear Moms practically grilling Callie's birth father about this. Hey I warned Mariana but she took it upon herself not to listen.  But I do feel bad for him he just wanted to celebrate Callie's bravery.

"Well, I'm sorry."

"You know, I just wanted to surprise her."

"Well, we've had enough surprises." Mom retorted

"Yeah, but this is this is good news."

"The ends don't justify the means, Robert."

"Okay, she's made a couple of mistakes,"

"But she keeps making mistakes, and we should in no way celebrate them."

"Okay, is there something else here that I don't know?"

As I'm just sitting and eating my cake I kinda just keep replaying that scene in my head. Is there something Moms are hiding from us. Specifically about Callie and her trial.  Either way if they are keeping something from us it must be because it is not good news at all.

A/N to begin I passed all my final exams and I'm so proud of myself. And to take a little moment to brag just because I'm so happy but I got a perfect score, 100!!, on my history finals. On top of that it was the highest score of my class woot woot. Enough of the bragging I just want to apologize for this extremely short chapter I'm just really lazy today so I apologize. Although this is just a really short filler chapter I'm actually nearly halfway done with book holy tish and almost 2K reads too that's just crazy to me. At least my summer break started this Saturday so I'm hopefully gonna be writing longer chapters again but don't quote me on that. Other than that I hope you guys enjoy this seemingly short chapter~ Much love ❤️

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