Chapter 9

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Catalina's POV
"There are a couple of things that we need to talk to you all about" Mom began explaining, oh boy I wonder what exciting news they are gonna tell us this week, it's always great to start off my day with some sarcasm.
"But first of all, we would like to know who this belongs to." Mom continued while showing us what I believe was a pipe, hmm I wonder who's it is
"Don't look at me" Jesus says right off the bat, sure he's done some questionable things but I know him and he definitely wouldn't smoke.
"It's not mine" Mariana adds on
"What is it?" Jude says trying to act all innocent and oblivious.
"It's a pipe, for smoking marijuana" Mom said, as my thoughts were confirmed
"Callie?" Mama speaks up
"It's not mine" Callie says blatantly
"Okay,well, I found it in one of the boxes in the garage-" Mama said
"- where you've been spending a lot with of time lately." Mom said finishing Mamas sentence
"You are welcome to drug test me" Callie answered
"Okay, maybe it belongs to Gabe" Mom whispered to Mama, right when I heard that sentence I knew Jesus would come to his defense but this time Gabe is actually innocent
"No, no way" Jesus answered back when he heard them, my point exactly
"Okay, there's something else we need to tell you" Mom said changing the subject to what we're probably supposed to be talking about.
"What? We made a boatload on the yard sale and don't have to move" Jesus said semi-sarcastically
"Yeah no thanks to you" Mariana retorted jokingly
"Me?" Jesus said confused
"Yeah, you sat on your ass all day" Mariana answered back
"Callie disappeared, like, all day" Jesus retaliated
Mom was trying to to get their attention but this little joke became a full blown argument in the time span of thirty seconds
"Oh I'm sorry I had a nail in my head" Jesus said before Mom said something that shocked everyone
"Mama and I are filing for divorce" Mom had practically shouted, it was silent for what seemed like forever.
The silence gave me time to reflect on our lives coming up to this exact moment in time. Just a few days ago Brandon had left for his audition to Juilliard, I wonder what he was doing now,most likely rehearsing or sightseeing, instead of listening to the terrible news Mom had just brought upon us.  All this time had let me to go over everything that had happened in this past week which was one of the craziest of weeks for the Adams-Foster family, after Jesus came back from getting the nail out of his head or should I say frontal lobe, he is now at an increased risk of having a seizure, now that I think about it my TBI hasn't stopped me from doing much sure I stutter a lot more when I talk but it's not much of a difference, the doctor had told me because of my ADHD it doesn't seem like much of a difference, but back to Jesus I really hope he doesn't make it worse. Mariana had found Moms journal you might be thinking 'Don't you mean Mama?' the thing is it was Mom's, Stef's, but the controversy was what she said in it about Mama which upset Mariana it made her think Mama didn't want to adopt her and Jesus, I couldn't possibly think that Mama would ever say that, anyway I thought Mom was the one who was skeptical about adopting them based on the stories they had told me when I first came here, to fill me in on their lives to catch up to what was happening then.  Now back to the dead silence.
"Wait, you're getting a divorce?" Mariana says breaking the silence thankfully
"Now that we have your attention" Mom says
"We are not getting a divorce, we are filing for divorce." Mama says trying to calm Mari down
"Why?" Jesus asks then I finally got it
"Oh I get it so they could freeze their assets, right?" I say leaving everyone surprised or confused
"Yes how did you know?" Mama asks surprised
"When I was in an old foster home the parents got divorced so I kinda learned what goes on in the process." I explain to everyone
"The buyer doesn't want to let us out of escrow, but if our assets including this house are tied up-" Mama continues
"We're hoping that they'll walk away" Mom finished Mamas sentence once again
"Wow, that's actually a devious plan, I'm impressed" Jesus said surprised
"We actually got it from our realtor ironically who's getting divorced" Mama explains
"And we're not trying to be devious, we're just trying to hold on to this home that we love" Mom continues
"How does that sound guys?" Mama asked us
"Amazing" we all say at the same time happily, at least most of us
"Great now we have to stay here" Mariana says as she storms off, leaving Jesus to explain
"What is going on with her?" Mama asks completely confused
"Outside of the usual drama, she read your journal." Jesus began, but it's probably other than the journal, the other probable factor is most likely what happened with Nick also.
"My journal?" Mama said confused once again
"No moms actually" I say
"And what you said in it about Mama" Jesus goes more into detail
"What did you say about me in your journal?" Mama asks Mom as her confusion turned into curiosity.
After Mom had explained to Mama what she wrote about her in her journal, which was that she hadn't wanted to adopt her and Jesus or something like that I kinda got lost by Mom talking so quickly. Mama had went straight upstairs to explain to Mariana what Mom had meant about Mama. Mama also explained what she had meant to Mariana. I don't know the details of the conversation but once they came back down stairs Mariana seemed to be back to normal, well her normal that's for sure.
Now for Jude's drama, he had acted oblivious about what the pipe was but I know it was either his or Noah's, his boyfriend, because he is the only one in this house that smokes pot, the only reason I know that is because I could tell when he was high, but other than that Moms are the ones who are oblivious, but knowing moms I know that won't last for long and he will for sure get busted one way or another.
A/N I apologize for updating so late again but I had writers block this whole week mostly because I had to write my last benchmark in English and it took the creativity out of me but either way I really hope you enjoy this extremely short chapter ❤️

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