Chapter 26

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Catalina's POV

"Guess who's going running with the boy next door?"

" Mariana you don't run." Callie and I say unison

"Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Uh, 'cause it's true."

"Okay, he's totally into me.He just came by with his mom to deliver a bottle of wine, which obviously requires only one person."

"Oh yeah definitely" I say mindlessly

I'm currently reading up since I don't really know what else to do and I really don't feel like watching TV. Weird right how can someone want to read instead of watch TV it's crazy right?

"Oh, hey, um, have you been hanging out with Ximena's sister?" Callie's ask Mariana

"Uh why do you ask?"

"I don't know. It's just Ximena told me that you guys are friends or-"

"Oh, yeah, um we found each other through Twitter, and and we went to a movie."

"Is that a problem?"

"Um no."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I guess I was just worried that you wouldn't want me hanging out with your mentor's little sister."

"It's fine by me."

"Good! Because I need new friends, especially since Emma's been openly trolling me at school."

"I thought I was your friend" I say "sadly"

"You are it's just that you're my sister too so I mean"

"It's fine I was kidding"

"Oh ok"

"So how do I look?"

"Like someone who's not a runner." Callie and I both say

"How dare you." Mariana says clearly offended

*at dinner*

"Dean, these steaks, they're cooked perfectly."

"Oh, good. Didn't want it so rare it was just jumping off the plate." Dean said as we all laughed in response

"No, they're good."

"They're good."

"Yes they're delicious, thank you" I add on

"Where's Emma?"

"Uh, Shabbat with her family."

"What about Cort?"

"Uh, work."

"Hey, does Grace know that she's staying here?"

"Uh, I I didn't say anything."

"But, I mean, it's only a couple days."

"Why make it weird, right? I guess."

"So did you pick a school for Logan yet?"

"We did."

"He started at St.Mary's on Monday."

"Oh, my goodness."

"You're not Catholic, are you?"


"I'd spend way too much time in confession."

"Uh, no."

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