Chapter 5

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Catalina's POV
It's Mama's birthday and I have the best present in mind and I know she's going to love it
"You are like a foot taller since I last saw you" Gram says talking to Jude
"And his voice is like an octave lower" Callie says adding on to what Gram said
"No it isn't" Jude says in a deep voice
"Oh lord" Gram says
"Pizzas here!" Stef yells while running in with the pizza
"I'm so glad you could make it, it's so good to see you" Mom says whilst hugging Grandpa
"And for my daughters 40th birthday party, I wouldn't miss it for the world" Grandpa says as he points at a smiling Lena
After having some, how should I put this umm interesting conversations at dinner Gram and Grandpa are going to sleep in Brandon's room since he moved in with Cortney and obviously there is some tension in the house now because of that.
*meanwhile at school*
I'm finally back at school and Mariana convinced me to join STEM club with her because and I quote You are the smartest person I know you'll be a great asset so I gave in and said yes because Mari would probably never let it go if I said no, anyways I still haven't talked but I can still do my work, I overheard Mama on the phone telling my teachers not to ask me to talk and blah blah blah but it's ok I guess.
"Okay so I have some good news, we got a C-STEM grant, which means we now have enough money o enter the regional robotics competition. Huh? how does that sound. Now we have a ton of building and programming to do, but first we have to figure out which three of you will lead us onto the field of battle, as driver, strategist, and shooter. Any takers?" Craig explained then everyone had raised their hands
Since everyone raised their hands we have only 24 hours to build a robot that can pick up a block and dump it into a basket after that the club is going to vote for a winner based on speed, design, and creativity, who will then represent Anchor Beach, we have to work in groups of three so I'm working with Mari and Emma, the girl who is friends with benefits with Jesus but other than that, I guess this is because we are the only girls in STEM but it's alright I honestly don't mind working with girls we can show these guys what a couple of girls can do.
*later at home*
"Did you know that many of the British code breakers during World War 2 were women? As were many of the first NASA mathematicians  and engineers" Gram says while we're working on the robot
"Seriously?" Emma says in shock
"Not that you'd ever read about them in the history books, it's still a mans world" Gram tells us
"Well, in STEM club it is, anyway" Mari retorts
"Which, my dears, is why you need to kick those boys' asses"
"Oh we will Gram"
Mariana is talking about ideas while Jesus walks up next to Emma
"Hey, so you uh wanna hang "
"I'm kind of busy here, Jesus"
"Yeah, boy toy, run along" Mari tells Jesus
"Hey.. okay we're making a video for Mama's party" Mom walks up whispering to Mari and I
"Like the party that's tomorrow?" Mari retorts
"Yes and I need you to edit it for me"
"Well I can't, and should you have gotten on this like weeks ago?"
"Yes Mariana but I just thought of it now"
"Ok well get Cat to do it she's good at stuff like that"
I look up and nod my head this just helps me in my effort of giving Mama her present
"Thank you for being one of my computer savvy children that loves me" Stef says directing that last part to Mari
*the next day in STEM*
We are now presenting our robots and the guys are going first but we're next
"19 seconds that's the time to beat."
"You've got to be kidding me" I hear one of the guys say while we place our robot on the table
"We got this." The other guy says while fist bumping his friend
Mari pulls out her laptop and adjusts the robot, basket, and block.
"9 seconds that's great!" Craig says after our robot picks up the block and dumps it into the basket
"I'm sorry did you say something earlier? I didn't think so" Mariana says sarcastically to the guys
"So I've tallied all the votes, combined that with the points earned for speed, design, and creativity, and we have a winner Aiden, Dan, and Jeffrey." Craig announces
"Our robot completed the task in less than half the time, and it couldn't have done that without the superior design and creativity." Mari retaliates
"True but those are subjective assessments" Craig responds
"Maybe but ours was also autonomous, that's worth double the points in competition." Emma says
"If Anchor Beach is gonna beat these bigger schools we can't do it with the same designs and same old strategies, we've gotta be different" Mari reasons
"You know what you're right and I apologize, I'm overturning the clubs decision, Congratulations"
"Way to play the girl card" Aiden, one of the guys, says clearly angry
*later that night*
It's finally Mamas party tonight and I'm wearing the simplest 70s themed outfit it's just a blouse and a frilly vest with a colorful headband to match with the rainbow Vans I'm wearing as for the pants I just wore some wide legged jeans
"Ok, if everybody could gather around, please, everybody I got a little surprise for the birthday girl wherever she is, hi my love wow, 40 you're in your 40s you can tell me what that's like a little bit later, so in honor of this totally arbitrary milestone your friends and family have put together a little tribute to show you just how much you mean to them."
The video starts playing with a little montage of Mama growing up which I thought was adorable, after that Jesus and Mariana showed up telling Mama happy Birthday, after them was Jude and Callie after was Brandon then Gram and Grandpa, just before the video ended I showed up and what I did gave moms tears of joy, I talked for the first time, while they were watching that I was standing over near the corner of the dance floor with the biggest grin knowing I gave everyone the best present of all, after it was over everyone ran over to me and just gave me the biggest hug until Jesus ran over and said the cops were here, I knew that it was some dancer cops once I saw that Jesus miserably failed at lying at least only I noticed. They said Mama was under arrest for being way too hot then one of moms friends, Jenna, was hooting and hollering causing everyone else to laugh while they danced around Mama in bikinis with Jenna throwing money into them.
"So we were thinking you should join STEM club" Mari says to Jesus while the three of us are walking over to the dance floor
"Ha ha you're hilarious" Jesus laughs
"No I'm being serious, you should join the robotics team I think you'd be a really big asset" Mari responds
We then spent the rest of the night dancing and talking because I haven't done so in a while but it felt good to finally let it out and I'm glad I did.

A/N so I hope you guys like this chapter it's another happy one but honestly I think it's kinda cute so hope you like it ❤️

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