Chapter 18

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Catalina's POV
I'm peering over to where Jesus is, he's doing therapy with Mama and using those flash card things . The only reason I'm spying is to see what happens when Mama shows him the side with words and no picture, to further prove he can't read or disprove and that he can indeed read.

"Car." Jesus sighs, showing his dread of therapy


"L l lamp." Jesus stutters as usual


"Where's the the picture?"


"No picture this time."

"What's it say? Umm it's the the (sighs) I can't I I have a headache, Mama."

"No, you don't, Jesus."

"You can't read it, can you? Honey, why didn't you just tell us?"

There is all the evidence that I need but I stay and watch to see how Jesus handles being confronted by Mama about his "problem".

"Because I I am so done with the doctors, and the tests, and the the stupid t therapy sessions."

"Why can't anyone f f f fix me?"

Jesus says the most heartbreaking thing, but somehow I feel the exact same way which somehow makes me feel worse that he can't deal with it whilst I hide practically everything nowadays.

"Okay, okay, okay."

"How'd it go?" Brandon asks

"Well, there's nothing wrong with Jesus's eyes."

"It's his brain that can't read, so they're giving him these glasses and they're supposed to help his brain sort things out."

"Yeah, but they're they're not even working. I mean, I I st still can't read"

"Honey, you have to be patient, you know? The doctor said it might take a while" Mama says

"You look like a minion." Brandon laughs as I elbow him for making Jesus feel worse.

"They're they're giving me a headache."

"Why don't you go ahead and lie down, okay?"

"Really, Brandon? " Mariana whispers

" Minions are cute."

"And you're a jerk." Mariana and I say simultaneously

"Is he getting worse? I noticed that his speech is all messed up again." Mariana asks

"Yeah, I know. I talked to his doctor about that. I mean, that's the thing with TBI. It's two steps forward, one step back. The doctor's not worried about it. The only worry - is how it will affect Jesus's morale." Mama explains

"Okay, so maybe comparing him to a cartoon character isn't very helpful."


Mariana's POV
"I think you look cute in your glasses." I say to Jesus

"Like Clark Kent."

"Mm-hmm. No.You mean Urkel?" Jesus replies

"You're gonna get better."

"Yeah, you know, the more that p people say that the less that I I believe it."

"Are you drawing again? Can I see?"


"Okay. Fine."

"Look Mariana"

"Oh, this is so cool." I say as I take his sketch pad

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