Chapter 3

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Stef's POV
All I can hear is sirens then I come back to reality, and look over and still see the paramedic working on stopping the bleeding until we get Catie to the hospital. The beeps are steady everything around me seems so surreal as if it's a dream, yet I wish it was. The worry goes away for a second, then the sirens finally stopping brings me back. We finally have reached the hospital then I start uncontrollably sobbing once what's happening suddenly feels real.
Jesus' POV
I see the ambulance speed off to the hospital with mom next to Cat, I'm praying to whatever god there is that my sister is going to be ok and on top of that Mariana is silently freaking out, I'm trying to comfort her, but she is too freaked out to comprehend what's happening. I feel so bad because I honestly don't know what to do. I don't know if Mariana will ever feel safe in this house again after what she had just witnessed.
Lena's POV
The doctor just told me and Stef that they got out the bullet that pierced Catie's shoulder but they have to do additional scans since she had passed out after thudding to the ground. They think she might've hit her head so they have to do a brain scan, I'm just sitting here hoping and praying that our baby girl Catie will be alright.
"Stef are you okay you haven't said a word since we got here?"
"Yea I'm fine and I hope Catie is too"
"Aww baby don't worry she's strong I promise you she won't go down without a fight."
"I know I know I'm just scared and think about all the problems she'll have on top of her ADHD and anxiety."
"Stef calm down she'll be fine don't worry ok"
My poor Stef I have never seen her like this, I know she and Cat have such a special bond but I feel like Stef is always worried when it comes to our kids
Stef's POV
"Mrs.Adams Foster?"
"Yes doctor"
"We did a brain scan on Catalina and seems like she has sustained a traumatic brain injury from the fall she took, but don't worry it's not very severe but please be prepared if she seems distant when she wakes up. As you can see there is some damage here but it is not as bad as some of the worst cases this seems like the most mild to me"

"What do mean by if she seems distant be prepared are you saying our baby girl is going to be afraid of us??" I said defensively "No all I am saying is that with people who have TBI's will most likely never be the same again but it doesn't mean th...

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"What do mean by if she seems distant be prepared are you saying our baby girl is going to be afraid of us??" I said defensively
"No all I am saying is that with people who have TBI's will most likely never be the same again but it doesn't mean that she'll be afraid of you I assure you we will do our best to get your daughter back we just need to act with caution with these sort of injuries."
"Ok I'm sorry for acting out but she is my daughter and all I wish is for her to be ok"
*A few hours later*
"Mommm" Cat says groggily
"Cat oh my god you're awake calm down you're ok" I say shakily
"What's going onnnn?" Cat said in confusion
"You're in the hospital but you're fine now no need to worry ok sweetheart"
Jesus' POV
*later at home*
"What do you mean traumatic brain injury I thought she got shot in the shoulder?"
"Well she did but when she fell she hit her head really hard causing some trauma"
"I can't believe this is all because of Nick I'm gonna kill him" I mutter under my breath
"So what does this mean then?"  Mariana asks in utter disbelief
"Well she is going to have to go to physical therapy and regular therapy to talk about what happened because she might have PTSD considering what happened with Nick and all."
"Are we going to go together to therapy or not?"
Mariana says with little hope in her voice
"Yes we would prefer if you guys were together to be able to cope better"
*a few days later Cat is finally home*
"Hey Cat how you feeling are you in any pain?" Lena asks sincerely
All Cat does is nod her head to answer her questions I'm a little concerned she hasn't talked to anyone, Stef said she talked when she first woke up but later on she just stopped
"Catie honey why don't you want to talk to us we're concerned we just to make sure you're fine" Stef says in the kindest concerned voice possible
All she does is shrug her shoulders in which causes her to wince in pain I can't bear to see my younger sister in this much pain I wish I could just erase what happened that day from existence.
Catalina's POV
My thoughts are racing from one thing to the next but it always somehow ends up going back to that disastrous day. I constantly wake up at night heavily breathing or trying to catch my breath, it's the reality that has come back as a nightmare to haunt me even more than it already has. I remember once where Callie said Jude had this coping mechanism called selective mutism, I had talked once when I woke up but then remembered that story and had just stopped talking, I decided to keep it all in not to upset anyone especially Mariana I just don't want to bring up any unwanted feelings so this is how I'm going to do it. It doesn't matter about therapy, I go with Mariana she can spill all she wants but I won't, I just can't bring myself to do it.
*later that night*
I woke up from the worst nightmare I've had since well you know, the accident. I felt like I couldn't do anything, I felt powerless and helpless, I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest and dug my head into my knees then silently cried. I don't know what I was crying about, if it was about what happened that day, or how my life has come to this but the only way I could cope at this moment was to let the waterworks begin.
Jesus' POV
I'm walking back to my room from getting a drink of water and I hear quiet sobs coming from the girls' room I walk closer and see that Cat is the only one awake with her head dug into her knees, I walk over to her and try and comfort her, I wrap my arms around her tiny frame then she turns around and cries into my chest, she seemed like reality had finally caught up to her, she seems so helpless, so frail and I've never seen her like this so it breaks my heart that her life has turned into this. After a while she stopped crying and went back to sleep laying her head onto my chest, I decided to stay the night with her because it was the only way I could think of to comfort her.

A/N Sorry if this is a really short chapter I had really good ideas but I forgot to write them down and forgot them so that was great but I really hope you guys like this chapter ❤️

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