Chapter 10

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Catalina's POV
"So Rita called me and she's up in Sacramento talking to like, representatives and stuff, and the good news is that Justina's bill died before it even made it to a vote." Callie explained while making her plate
"That's because of you, Callie." Mom said proudly "Yeah, but... so apparently, they've got like, a ballot measure. You know, when they put something out to the voters." Callie went on explaining
"Like they did with Prop 8?" Mom asked
"Yeah, exactly. So they're calling it the Foster Care Reform Bill, but, you know, of course it's just the same terrible law that puts most of government funding towards privatization " Callie kept explaining, as you can tell Callie is explaining a lot this dinner
"They're relentless, aren't they?" Mom voiced her opinion
"Yeah, and of course people are gonna vote for something called "Foster Care Reform." Callie stated
"Yeah. I mean, it sounds good to me" Jesus chimed in.
"Exactly, and the only way to get voters to see that there's, you know, a better way to do things is to put a different bill on the ballot, and they're calling it Jack's Law." Ya know more of Callie's explaining I'm kinda intrigued by this conversation but also inevitably bored out of my mind
"Oh." Mom simply said
"That way, voters can at least... " Callie started
"See the difference? Yeah? Sounds like a good idea. " Mom finished
"Maybe the bills just cancel each other out?" I added
"Even that would be better than Justina getting her law passed. So, they need 500,000 signatures to get the new bill on the ballot, so I was thinking since we're all already going to the Bayfest to see Brandon's big reunion with Someone's Little Sister..." Callie kept going
"Mm-hmm?" Mama finally added
"What if we had like a booth and, you know, like, collected signatures and... and took donations? There's gonna be a ton of people there." Ugh your get the gist of what's going on right ok, ok
"Can I go? I... I mean, I know I'm grounded, but it's not like Noah's gonna be there, so." Jude said, did I mention he got busted by moms yea that happened and I so saw it coming
"You're not grounded from family things. Of course you can go." Mama told him
"Oh, my god." Brandon said
"What?" Callie asked
"I... I got an email from... from Juilliard." Brandon said barely finishing his sentence
"And?" Mama said shocked
"Open it. Open it, love." Mom said running over to him
"I... I..." Brandon stammered
"What... where are you going?" Mom said as Brandon walked out into the backyard
*door slams*
"Where is he going?" Mom said as we gathered around the kitchen window
"W... why isn't he doing anything?" Jesus said as Brandon fumbled with his phone
"Oh, my god!" Brandon yelled
"Oh, my god!" Brandon yelled even louder
"I... I got in!" Brandon finally said
* we all scream*
"I got in! Oh, my god!" Brandon said in shock
"Oh, my god, I got into..." Brandon said barely wrapping his head around what happened
"Oh, my..." Brandon said
"Oh, my...Oh, my god!" He yelled as we all laughed at that statement
"Oh, my god!" He said one final time
"Let me see, let me see!" Mom said excitedly
"Come on!" I said in the midst of the crowded family
"Okay, here." Brandon showed his phone
"I... I didn't read it all. I... I couldn't read it all." He said still in complete shock
"Oh, my god!" Mariana squealed
"Look at you!" Jesus exclaimed
It was now the day of Bayfest and we were setting up the petition booth, it was a really sunny day and I forgot to bring some water but it's fine I'll just buy some or something later
"You're raising money for Kyle too?" Jude asked
"I thought it couldn't hurt." Callie said
"Wow, nice location, Callie." Mike said
"I think we could do some damage from here, huh?" Mike continued
"Um, where do you want this?" Mike asked while showing Callie the banner
"Uh, just across the back. Thanks." Callie instructed him to do so
It was after Brandon and Someone's Little Sister had performed and I'm sitting on the steps at Bayfest just thinking over something's until I see someone who nearly gives me a heart attack. Nick. I immediately think to call Jesus.
"Hey Cat are you okay?" Jesus says answering the phone
"He's here" I say shaking with fear
"Who's here?" He asks confused
"Nick" I say blatantly
"Nick how is he here I thought he was in jail, where are you?" He says
"......" silence the only thing you could hear was my heavy breathing
"Cat where are you?" He repeated
"Near-- th--the bathroom" I say as I end the call to run away from a nearing Nick
My thoughts are racing as I run out of Bayfest not thinking about Jesus but only to get as far away as possible from Nick. I think I lost Nick now I'm walking on the side walk until his red car pulls up next to me. He tells me to get in as I try to scramble away from him. He starts yelling at me over and over to go with him. But instead I yell back say things that I've wanted to say to him ever since he shot me.
We are now sitting in the grass as he apologizes to me then I see a vehicle roaring up to where we are until I see Jesus bolt out from the passengers side and run to Nick tackling him onto to the ground. I'm yelling at Jesus to get off until I see the both of them throwing punches, I see Nick throw one punch straight to Jesus' forehead which results in him collapsing onto the ground. I start getting the feeling of not being able to breathe I fall onto the ground, because I suddenly cannot keep my balance.
"Mom what's happening to Cat?" Mariana says worriedly
"Oh dear god, Mariana just try to keep her awake until the ambulance gets here" Mom says trying to stay calm but it's clearly not working
"Cat just focus on my voice okay you can stay awake for just another minute right?" Mariana tries to keep me awake
I can't speak but I motion to my chest and she understands what I'm trying to tell her.
"Mom she can't breathe" Mariana says
"It's okay the ambulance is here just wait until they get you in there" Mom says as paramedics rush up to Jesus and I.
Little did I know when I had seen Nick before at Bayfest it was a hallucination, the thing I'm baffled by is how did he know that I was at Bayfest but also how is he out of jail??
A/N Dun dun dun oof suspense I'm trying to really make this my best writing but I apologize for being extremely extra with all the events in every chapter I'm just trying to make it a lot more interesting for you guys and on that note I hope you guys really enjoy this chapter~ Much love ❤️

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