Chapter 19

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Catalina's POV
So Jesus had been getting better but he still is struggling to read and the glasses aren't making much of a difference. At least he's happy right now since his senior project got approved. Along with Mariana working with him on it. I feel bad because Mariana tends to be a bit bossy but that's one of her leadership qualities that I admire, she strives to get anything done and making sure that it's done with perfection.

I'm currently just sitting in my bed thinking about everything going on but also just thinking about school because I have to figure out a senior project idea, even though Mariana and I are the siblings who's are always planning ahead I still haven't thought of an idea that could contribute to our society and benefit the world. Possibly I'm trying to achieve to much in just a senior project but I'm am the epitome of extra just ask anyone and I'll be the first person to pop into their heads.

Too many thoughts to collect into to one understanding so I guess I'll leave it off for now but I still need to figure out at least a base idea to branch off of. But yet I'm still stumped, this is really messing with my mood so I guess I'll get back to thinking about it tomorrow hopefully by then I'll get a good idea. But until then I still have to be productive.

Callie is still on trial and I'm really hoping for the best but I still don't understand why Callie would do such a thing. I guess she was so invested in the case she forgot that we live in the real world and she could be caught, which she was, and have some pretty severe consequences. But then again that's just classic Callie for you, always fighting for other people before thinking about herself.

Along with Jesus I kinda overheard that Gabriel got a job offer in Tahoe and that he might take it. That's great for him but the only problem with that is Jesus and Mariana's joint senior project. And with Jesus' anger issues I don't know how he will take it if Gabriel does actually accept this job offer.  And without Gabriel I honesty don't know how they would complete this project but hey we'll find out in time I guess I'll just have to wait.

A/N So it's Ramadan now, if you don't know what that is its a month where muslims fast from before dawn till after dusk including no food or water, I'm obviously fasting and I really don't have that much motivation to write so I deeply apologize how short of a chapter this is but honestly I put it as just a filler which is why I didn't want to include as much dialogue but more so the thoughts of Catalina and her just reflecting on the current events in the book because that's I all I can think of at this moment, once again I'm really sorry that this is such a short chapter I might come back later and edit it maybe not, probably not because I'm extremely lazy. Also for such a long note I had quite a bit of apologizing to do and I'm almost done with three starter chapters for the Peter Parker/ Spider Man book I just need to finish it and I'll probably be posting the first five in June if I keep up with it (hopefully I do). Other than that I hope you really enjoyed this extremely short chapter. ~ Much love ❤️

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