Chapter 2

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Jesus' POV
"How do you know Nick had a gun?"
"We don't know that, his father owns one and it's missing so.."
"But that doesn't mean Nick took it" I say defensively causing Cat to wake up
"What's going on jeesh you guys are so loud"
"Nick burned down the warehouse" Mariana says completely ignoring Cat assuming that she is going to catch on
"Yea but do we know that for sure"
"Why are you defending him?"
"Guys let's be nice to each other please" Stef says butting in
"Mariana did you talk to Nick he said he was looking for you"
"Yeah" Mariana says flatly
"So what did he say was he upset about something.."
"He saw me and Mat in the garage last night"
"Doing what?" I say confused
"Mat said he wanted to get back together with me but I told him no because I didn't want to hurt Nick"
"So why'd Nick freak out then?"
"Because he saw me and Mat kiss goodbye"
"I told Nick that I wasn't getting back together with Mat but he didn't believe me"
"Yea I don't believe you either"
"Jesus calm down" Stef says scoldingly
"Did you see the way they ran into each others arms"
"Whose side are you on Jesus"
"Why did that teacher bring a gun anyway" Cat interrupts
"Because he's an idiot that's why" Stef retorted
"What happened to him" Jude asks
"He was arrested"
"You don't think Nick will come here do you" Cat says changing the subject
"No absolutely not we have San Diego PD looking out for him" Stef says reassuringly
"I also don't want any of you guys on your phones or computers so if you don't mind I will be keeping them with me, because there is going to be a lot of misinformation out there and I don't want any of you to be a part of it"
"What are we going to do with out our phones" I answered back
"Read a book"
"Yea we read books on our phones" I reply back
"Jesus come on"
"Mines broken anyway I dropped it in the toilet" Mariana says blatantly
"Post flush" Mariana says to Stef who has a look of disgust on her face
"Hey guys before any of you head up to your rooms we're all probably still in some shock so if any feelings come up don't feel afraid to talk" Lena says trying to comfort all of us
"And on that note no closed doors either" Stef says quickly
"Even the bathroom doors?" Mariana says disgusted
"No you can close the bathroom doors for privacy"
*Later that night*
"I can't believe you guys are making us watch a G-rated movie starring a worm" I say
"Well I'm sorry that's it's hard to find a movie without guns or sex for that matter" Stef says sarcastically
"Well I love this movie" Cat and Mariana say in unison
"Yea you guys would" I answer back
"Anyway who ate all the popcorn?" I ask
"You did!" They all say back
"I will make more" Stef says while rushing into the kitchen
*a few hours later*
"Well I think we should all go to bed it's getting late" Lena says while yawning
"Yea I think that's a good idea goodnight guys love you" Cat says tiredly
"Goodnight Cat" we all say while getting up
*in the morning*
"Hey Mom what are you doing?" Cat says confused
"I'm checking the rat traps have either of you heard them scattering around or anything?"
"No" we say in unison
"Hey Mom why does Brandon get to leave the house?" I ask
"He doesn't"
"Well the Mini's gone does someone else have it?"
"What the hell" Stef mutters under her breath while storming off
Cat and I look up into the attic and run off
"Well Brandon thought it was a good idea to leave and help Cortney move when I strictly forbade him from doing so" Stef says angrily
"Wait forbade haha"
"What are you doing" Lena asks
"I'm texting him to get his ass back home"
"You took our phones" I say
*Stef gives me a death glare*
"I'm just sayin' "
"Can Jesus and I go to volleyball practice" Cat asks
"It's at Mission beach so nowhere near school" I say backing her up
"Sure but you need someone to drive you"
"I'll drive them" Lena offers
Mariana's POV
*the door closes shut*
"Don't scream Don't scream, don't be scared I just wanna talk to you " Nick said with his hand on my mouth
"I've been waiting to talk to you so SHH"Nick said with his finger to his lips
"I need you to understand why"
"Okay?" I say confused
"I can't think straight because the voices won't stop talking, and I hate it and I hate everything, I hate myself and I hate you, Ya know? I hate you."
Oh my god he has a gun what am I supposed to do
"I need to do something to make the hurt go away, you know I can still hear the snap of his belt. Snap! I would beg him not to hit me and ya know what he would say 'this is gonna hurt me a lot more than it's gonna hurt you' I mean what? He humiliated me like you did" he says while pointing the gun at me
"Please don't hurt me" I pleaded
"I'm not gonna hurt you" he says while putting the gun to his head
"No Nick don't, Nick don't please don't hurt yourself"
"Why huh? I'm all alone I have no one"
"You have me"
"No I can't I can't"
"Yes you can you just have to put the gun down"
"Hey look I'm still wearing your necklace why would I be wearing it if I didn't want to be with you"
"What about Mat huh? You don't love him"
"No I don't, I love you, it's not too late I promise we can still be together but not if you hurt yourself"
*the door opens and there is Catalina standing in shock, then the gun fires, Cat thuds onto the ground as does Nick realizing what he has done*
"CAT!!" I scream
"What did you do!!" Yells Callie when she sees what has happened
*Moms run as fast as they can up the stairs, Lena goes to Cat while Stef goes to Nick, Lena calls 911 while Stef is telling the officers Nick's here*
I look at Cat and see her lying in pool of her own blood I think it's coming from her chest but I hope not because that could be fatal, I see Jesus running up the stairs until he reaches Cat and stood there in complete shock
"NICK WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER!!" Jesus yells at the top of his lungs at the unconscious Nick
The ambulance has arrived and put Cat on a stretcher then everything goes silent all I can hear is ringing
*the stress has caused Mariana to pass out while Jesus is still in shock of what had just happened*
Catalina's POV
I decided to leave volleyball practice early to go check up on Mariana, Jesus had told me he would catch up later, I walk into the house and I can hear Moms whispering about Brandon I wonder what he did this time make them upset, I go upstairs and hear Callie and Jude talking in his room, I look over at our room and see that the door is closed so I open it and before a word can come out of my mouth I see Nick standing over Mariana with a gun pointed to his head, before I can process what's happening I feel a sharp pain in my left shoulder causing me to fling around and land with a thud onto the floor, I had hit my head so hard I had passed out which is the moment when everything had went black, the last thing I heard before I blacked out was Mariana screaming my name.
Jesus' POV
Cat had decided to go home early, I started my way home five minutes after she had left to try to catch up with her, even with her small frame she walks unbelievably fast, while I'm reaching the door of the house I hear a gun shot which causes me to run into the house and up the stairs then I see it, Cat lying in pool of blood and passed out, I look over to Mariana's room and her sitting in her bed in shock and Nick in the ground unconscious, my brain immediately processed what had happened and I start yelling at Nick even though he was unconscious it was an instinct, I see Lena next to Cat waiting for the ambulance to come, I swear to god when I get my hands on Nick he will regret ever coming into this house, I'm still staring at Cat's motionless body and hope that she can get better because if she doesn't have someone is going to die and it's not gonna be her. I look back over at Mariana and see her also passed out now, the ambulance comes after what feels like and eternity and place Cat onto a stretcher and Nick in the back of a squad car

A/N ok so I can't believe I remember all of this from the show it just shows how much I'm obsessed with the fosters but I hope you guys like this chapter ❤️

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