Chapter 12

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Stef's POV
"So you didn't throw the first punch?" The officer asked Jesus

"Uh, no, I did, but it was..." Jesus had started

"Because according to him, you were the aggressor." The officer kept going

"It's the only reason I did..." Jesus had started again

"You need to calm down." I say trying to keep Jesus in check

"You calm down! No!" Jesus snapped

"Why does it smell so terrible in here?" Jesus had begun again

"What, baby?" I asked confused

"Why does it smell like gasoline in a hospital?" Jesus says prompting me to get the officers out of here

"Okay, you need to get out of here." I say as I push them away from Jesus' proximity

"I need a doctor! Please, I need a doctor!" I say running up to the desk

"He's seizing again! Please, I need a doctor, somebody!" I yell just as Jesus starts shaking

"His brain is swelling, so we have to relieve the pressure right away." The doctor says explaining

"We're gonna put Jesus into a medically-induced coma, and then insert a bolt into his skull which will monitor the pressure and let us know if we need to take any other action." The doctors say as my heart slowly shatters into pieces

"I'm sorry, you're gonna put a bolt into his head?"

"We have to. If the swelling continues, it can press down on the spinal column severing the connection between the two, which could be fatal." The doctors explains the reasoning for the procedure

"Oh, my God."

"But this is gonna relieve that, right?"

"Not exactly. It'll monitor the pressure and let us know if we need to drain fluid from the brain." The doctor explains yet again

"And if this doesn't work, we can always do a craniotomy, where we remove a piece of the skull and allow the brain room to expand." The doctor gives the even more terrible news

"But we hope that won't be necessary." The doctor adds

"Okay. How long until we know if it worked?" I ask concerned for my sons life

"Hours, days, weeks."

"Nurse, we're ready. We just don't know."

"Okay. Love you, baby. Love you." Lena and I kiss Jesus goodby as they wheel him into surgery

"We love you, baby."


"He's gonna be okay." I say trying to convince myself otherwise

"Hey." I say getting our kids attention

"Guys." Lena says approaching the kids

"So he made it through the surgery." Lena starts

"And the doctor said that he did as well as could be hoped." I say taking over

"Where is he? Can we see him?" Mariana asks, oh how my heartaches for what's happening between her brother and her sister

"Uh, not right now, honey. He's still in the ICU." Lena says

"And... and it could be a few days before the swelling..." Lena starts before breaking down into tears

"Okay, baby. Please, sit. Sit." I urge Lena

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