Chapter 21

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Catalina's POV
Mariana and I were just in our room string around trying to do some work until Callie walked in.

"Hey. How was your overnight with Aaron? Did you sleep in the same room?" Mariana begins asking

"We were at his parents' house."

"You didn't slip into his bedroom?"

"No. Maybe."

"Oh my God! Did you have sex? "

"No." Callie says laughing


"No, we just kissed for a little bit and then fell asleep."

"So this is, like, a thing or something?" I say speaking up

"I don't know."

Gabe finally came over to discuss about Jesus and Mariana's senior project, although it isn't mine I still wanted to help so I came along.

"Wow, Jesus. Oh, yeah, these are these are really cool." Gabe said surprised by Jesus' artistry

"But before we nail down a design, we have to find a tree that we're gonna build in."

"Uh, that's my department." Mariana chimes in

"I'm going to a bunch of daycare centers and public work projects, so what should I look for?"

"I-I-I would say a h-h-h hard - wood tree? Right?Yeah" Jesus stuttered

"Yeah, like an oak or a walnut." Gave specifies

"Got it." Mariana jots in her notes

"Hi." Ana says walking up to us

"I hope I'm not interrupting. We were on our way to daycare, and it's near here."

"So, this is Isabella? " Gabe asks


"You've never met her? " Ana said surprised


"Isabella, this is Gabe."

"She looks like you."

"You think so?"


"Hey, do you wanna hold her?"

"Yeah, sure"

"Yeah, there you go."

"Hello." Gave says laughing


"Be careful, she likes beards."

"Um I should get going if I'm gonna find this tree." Mariana says awkwardly getting up

"Talk to you later."

"So I talked to my brother, and he's starting a big commercial job, - and he's willing to give you another chance."

"Oh, uh thanks."

"Yeah, I'll call him"

"Well, I should probably let you guys get back to work."


"Hey I should probably go help Mariana to make the process a little quicker" I say getting up


"Let me know if you need any help."


"Hey Jesus did you hear about Anchor Beach?" I ask walking into his room


"Really, well there's a rumor they're turning into a private school." I explain

"Where did you hear that from?"

"Someone from school sent me a screenshot from some anonymous Twitter account that said that it would be"

"Does Mama know about this?" I ask

"We might not be able to graduate from ABCC if that rumor turns out to be true."

With everything that's going with Callie's trial and Drew trying to take over ABCC I bet Mama's super stressed.  So I think I should try and refrain from asking her about this don't want to worry anymore about another situation. I looked over the screenshot again, I kinda analyzed the way the person "spoke" it sounded similar but I wasn't sure. I went on to everyone that I follow on Twitters accounts. After reading a few I came to a conclusion. The anonymous tweeter was Mariana. Which makes sense that Mariana would make that sort of thing.  I wonder who else knows that Mariana is the owner, or if it was just me.

A/N So this is just a filler chapter but a heads up that the next few chapters will be short since I'm about to start my final exams and I gotta study so I won't fail, due to finals I think that'll delay when I wanted to post the Peter Parker/Spider Man book because Ill be busy so I won't really have enough time to write any new chapters.  Other than that I should probably get to sleep, hope you guys enjoy this terrible chapter ~ Much love ❤️

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