Chapter 11

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Stef's POV
"Mom are you sure this is necessary I'm fine" Jesus whined
"I'm sure you are Jesus, but know what? You passed out when Nick hit you, all right? We're gonna get you checked out" I cautioned Jesus
"But this is-- this is ridiculous, how's Cat what happened anyway" Jesus changed the subject
"Humor me" I deadpanned
"The paramedic said she was pretty dehydrated but they need to take some scans to figure out why she couldn't breathe" I explained
"It smells in here" Jesus stated
"What?" I said confused
"Why does it-- why does it smell like gas" Jesus said with a pause in the middle to figure out what he was smelling
"Don't look at me" I chuckled
"No. I mean, like-- like gasoline, Mom. It's awful." Jesus said in a serious tone
"I don't smell gasoline, love. We're in a vehicle, so I'm sure that it, you know..." I had started
"Ugh" Jesus had moaned clutching his temple
"What's wrong, baby?" I said scared for my sons life
"Ow, damn!" Jesus said louder
"What's wrong?" I repeated
"Hey, hey, hey! Relax, relax, relax, relax." I said trying to calm Jesus
"You're okay. All right? You're okay." I tried to comfort Jesus
*blood pressure cuff pumping*
"Hey. Just relax, sweetheart. Just relax." I say trying to make sure his blood pressure doesn't spike.
"Just relax. What's happening? What's going on?" I say as Jesus starts shaking uncontrollably
"What's wrong with him?" I ask terrified for what's happening to my son
"What's happening? Jesus! You have to stop this!" I shout to the paramedics
"I got it." The paramedic trying to stop him
"Jesus, Jesus!" I say as if I can make him stop
"I'm right here, Jesus, you hear me?" I say as the ambulance comes to a stop
"Can you hear me?" I say worriedly to an unconscious Jesus
"Let's get him out. Stay back." The paramedics says to me
"Okay, I'm right here. I'm right here." I say trying to keep up while they push the gurney
"Here we go." The paramedic says to the nurse
"Contact. All right." The nurse replies
"Can you hear me?" I say to Jesus
"Excuse me. Here we go. Okay, clear." The paramedic said
"All right." The nurse replied
"All right, what do we have?" The nurse asked
"Male, 16, head trauma from a fist fight." The paramedic informed the nurse
"He's been seizing for over two minutes now." The paramedic continued
"Pushed 2 milligrams Ativan, but no luck." The paramedic said informing the nurse of the actions taken
"He had a nail in his head." I add
"Oh, right, uh, frontal lobe." The paramedic continued
"He had a nail in his head?" The nurse said clearly confused
Yes, from a nail gun.
"But they took it out, he's fine, he's been fine." I informed them
"Where was he hit? During the fight, ma'am?" The nurse
"What?" I said distracted
"Where was he hit?" The nurse repeated
"He was hit in the forehead." I said in a monotone voice
"If you could head to the waiting room, okay?" The nurse advised
"He's my son. I'm staying here." My stubborn self answered
"Please, ma'am..." the nurses urged
"I'm not going anywhere! So, please do not ask me again!" I said stubbornly
"It's fine." The nurse brushed off
"One, two, three." They said as the lifted Jesus onto a bed
"Grab the board. Grab the board." The medical experts discussed
"Got it."
"Throw him back."
"Clear it out. Okay."
"You good? Okay."
"Yeah, we're good. Go." They said as I started sobbing
"Oxygen! Oxygen!" They said as foam came out of Jesus' mouth as if he was a rabid animal
"Ma'am... You gotta get her out of here. Get her out of here, please!" The nurse gestured for me to leave
"We got this, go." They informed me on their skill set
"He's gonna be fine. He's gonna be fine." They said trying to comfort me

I then realized I had another child in the hospital so I ran to the desk to see where they had placed Catie and to find out how bad her condition is let's just hope that's all we can do right now.

"Yes just through that corridor and onto your left you will find your daughter in that room" the lady sitting at the desk informed me

I ran to the room where a doctor had greeted me who then proceeded to tell me Catie's condition.

"It seems as though your daughter has a pneumothorax which is also known as a collapsed lung along with dehydration" the doctor explained Cats condition
"Collapsed lung, due to what?" I say completely confused
"That brings us to my point it was from her broken ribs, we are going to place a chest tube through the ribs into the area surrounding the lungs to help drain the air the chest tube will be left in place both for air drainage and also to help inflate the lung. In your daughters case, the chest tube may need to be left in place for several days before the chest begins to expand." The doctor explained to me while I stood baffled about the news I was just given
"All of this from a broken rib" I say in utter disbelief
"Her broken rib had a sharp edge that had a punctured a whole that was too large to fix with a simple needle" the doctor continued
"Do have an estimate of how long she'll have to to stay here because I have another child, my son, here" I asked
"It seems in her condition it could be 5-10 days varying on how quickly her chest could take to expand" the doctor answered
"Okay thank you doctor, another question will she unconscious until you take the tube out?" I asked concerned
"She may stay comatose but we will not find out unless she does end up waking up, it is different for every case" the doctor ensured me

Until then I had called Lena and told her to stay with Cat for the time being while I go check up on Jesus' condition.

They think that the nail in his head was what caused the seizures, and that perhaps the injury compromised the brain somehow. Honestly I don't what's happening right now.

"Are you Jesus Adams Fosters' parents?" An officer came up to Lena and I while waiting to find out more on Jesus
"Yes." Lena said
"Yes?" I said cautiously
"I'd like to ask him a few questions." The officer continued
"About what?" I stepped in
"The assault of Nick Stratos." He said blatantly
"Assault?" I said confused
"No, I'm sorry. That's insane. Nick Stratos cut off his ankle bracelet." I continued

Although I hadn't thought of it until now why was Nick placed on parole he was supposed to be in for shooting Cat, how could they put a dangerous man back "on the streets" where he could wreak havoc cause more harm to me and and my family which he had. My question still floating around in my mind waiting to be answered.

A/N Hola chicos y chicas I hope you are liking the new writing format I feel like it started getting more confusing all bunched up together so I hope that made it a little easier I'll change up more next week but until then enjoy this small change. Did you notice all the medical terminology well I had a ton of fun researching all of this (hence why I'd like to become a doctor) so it could be medically correct. Oh boy Stef's point of view that hasn't been written in a while. Oof more drama and the extraness (that's obviously not a word but whatever) in my writing style. You know how anxious I was writing this chapter, very, and my ADHD does not help in my case at all I could barely keep still and focus as my mind wandered to other ideas for coming chapters. Other than that I want your opinion on if I should write an fan fiction for the Flash I kinda already have it planned out and I wrote a rough draft of a possible chapter in English this past week, ok so I've probably bored you with all of this talk so I really hope you enjoyed this chapter ~ Much love ❤️

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