Chapter 27

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Catalina's POV

So we've finally got some good news Mike asked Ana to marry him and she said yes. I'm excited for them, I mean I know Ana still isn't fine with not knowing about me. But I don't hate her, I just wish she would stop giving me pitiful looks whenever I'm around. Other than that I'm definitely excited for their wedding and engagement party in general. It's been a while since I've been to an actual "family gathering" per say.

Callie's also getting into some protests at UCSD which I'm glad about. Although it seems that Aaron may not agree with the opinions.

We are currently listening to an argument from Ximena and Mariana to convince Moms of letting Mariana do roller derby. Honestly I'm happy that Mariana found something she loves doing. But I also understand why Moms are scared of letting her do it. I mean sure it's dangerous but anything that can happen in life itself is dangerous so I mean I would let Mariana join let's hope Moms agree.

"Are there bruises? Yes."  Ximena began

"But they heal." Ximena continued

"And what they leave behind is a feeling of empowerment."

"Roller derby is a place you can be yourself with no judgment, where girls become brave, confident, and strong."

Ximena is making a very compelling argument so far I hope Mama can see what she is saying.

"It's like what Mom was trying to teach me with self-defense, - but it works." Mariana speaks up

"Okay." Mom scoffs

"What about concussions?" Mama asks

"They happen, but not a lot."

"We've been trained in recognizing the signs. If a girl takes a blow to the head, she's out of the bout and examined immediately." Ximena says reassuringly

"You can fall and hit your head anytime, Mama."

"I understand you're worried, but in the short time Mariana's practiced with us, I've seen her confidence grow."

"I've seen a girl who I think feels safer in the world."

"And I'm surrounded by girls who look like me. I've never had a group of friends that were all badass Latinas." Mariana says happily

"And they all have my back." Mariana adds

"Derby's like a family."

"Please, Mama."

"Okay." Mama says sighing in defeat

"Let me Let me talk to Mom."

"Thank you." Mariana says excitedly

"Thank you so much." Mariana says turning to Ximena

"De nada." Ximena replies

"You need to get me a real signed permission slip.
And if you make the team, you'll sit out the first game, at least."



"And thank you."

"Bye." Ximena says as she makes her way out along with Callie

A/N so I posted the prologue to my Stiles Stilinski book and the first chapter to the Peter Parker book so if you like either make sure to go and check them out. I promise that they are written much better than this book since I've had more time to plan them out as I write a new chapter for this book every week meaning I write them quickly without really checking for mistakes. (Thank you procrastination). As where I have drafts ready to post for the other books which I would like to keep up with allowing me to successfully write an actually well written chapter. Sorry for the long authors note and extremely short chapter I really didn't know what to write so this will have to suffice. Other than that I hope you enjoy this seemingly short chapter~ Much love ❤️

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