Chapter 30

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Catalina's POV

Dear Diary,

So this is a new thing moms have wanted me to try since I've been through a lot with Jesus and all. I mean I'm not opposed to it so I mean that's why I'm writing right now. Anyway off topic, moms wanted me to write about what frustrates me with my TBI, and everything else I have.

Long story short I hate that I have a TBI, although I can't change that, because people look at me like I'm different or something's wrong with me but the truth is I'm not and nothing is wrong with me I'm perfectly fine. It just makes me more unique than people would like to admit.

But ever since I came into this family my anxiety has gotten better meaning I don't get attacks as much as I used to, and I'm so grateful for that. Not only being apart of this family has made my life better but it makes me feel like I somehow made theirs better. I don't mean that in a narcissistic way though, I mean it like I changed their lives with all my problems but for the better.

Moving on to my ADHD I don't notice it as much as everyone around me does, I may be bouncing my leg or playing with my hands and people pick up on it. Yet I don't really realize what I'm doing unless someone points it out, whether they are asking if I'm okay or they ask why I can't keep still. It gets annoying sometimes but as long as someone is learning something new I feel pretty good.

Now everything that has happened with Jesus I can see why moms wanted me to write out all my feelings so I won't have to keep to myself. Jesus is slowly but surely getting better, moms are worried that he might not become a senior but I know Jesus and he'll be a senior but with a little persuasion because it might be needed to convince him to not drop out.

I on the other hand am excited to be a senior the only problem is, I can't drive yet, so that sucks because I won't really be able to do much because I'll only be getting my permit next year. And the same goes for college I can't drive myself since I won't have a drivers license. Let me tell you being behind on the age sort of things sucks because although I'm on the same level with smarts with most of them, they are ahead in more timely sort of things. But honestly it gives me more time to be a kid since I technically still am one. So I'll just take my time and enjoy the things I'm supposed to do because next thing I know I'll be graduating at 16.

Callie and Brandon are graduating this year and I'm so proud and happy for them. Although they've had some rough patches I know that they'll do great in whatever they set their minds to.

And I can't forget my best friend who happens to be my older sister Mariana, I'm so proud of her for all that she's done so far and I can't wait until we walk up to accept our diplomas together. I know she'll do great things once she graduates. And I know that her love triangle isn't ending just yet.

So I guess that's it see ya later,

Love Cat 🐱 ❤️

And with that I put my pencil and diary on my nightstand. I then drift off to sleep happily yet anxiously waiting for what's next to come tomorrow. But also what's next to come for prom then onto this years graduation.

A/N so I decided to try something new with the diary entry because I honestly have no idea what to write. But on the other hand check out my Liam Dunbar and Stiles Stilinski books if you are into Teen Wolf. I've been so busy writing my Liam Dunbar book that I kinda wrote this really last minute so I apologize if it's kinda choppy and what not. Other than that I hope you enjoy this really short chapter~ Much love ❤️

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