Chapter 15

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Catalina's POV
"Is Mariana awake?"

"Hey, come on, let's go. Time for school." I hear mom telling Mariana

"Hello, come on, I know you're awake."

"I don't wanna go to school."

"Oh, come on."

"Ever again"

"Honey, listen..." mom says trying to persuade her

"I wanna be home schooled."

"Okay, well, that is not an option, Mariana."

"Just the thought of seeing Mat, and... and the whole school knowing that we broke up again, it's completely humiliating." Poor Mariana after everything that happened between me and Jesus this happens also

"I hear ya."

"I just can't believe we're not gonna be together."

"Well, I am sorry about that, love, but that is no reason to drop out of school."

" 'Kay? You can talk about it in therapy today."

"I don't wanna go to therapy."

"Mariana why don't you want to to therapy with me?" I sarcastically hurt

"So you don't wanna do anything?"

"Come on, this is not open for discussion."

"H... he comes highly recommended."

"My love, this is gonna give you a... a productive place to talk about all of these feelings."


"Okay, enough with the melodrama. Let's go." There goes mom calling Mariana melodramatic it's just her personality at I think so

After much arguing between Brandon Callie and Mom we all hear a loud thud coming from downstairs, which in turn causes us to give each other confused glances

* loud thud*

"Moms!" Callie yells from downstairs

"What? Oh my God." Mom says as she sees Jesus sprawled on the stairs

"What happened, honey, what happened?"

"What is it?"

"What happened?"

"I just... I just... I just... wanted to be upstairs with... with... with everyone."

"Okay, okay"

"Okay, baby."

"Take it easy, take it easy"

"Jesus are you okay?" I ask

"Yeah yeah I'm fine" Jesus says giving me a face of defeat

*later that day*

"This is hard."

"I know, honey, but Tomas said that it will help you with your tremor."

"Can I have some water?"

"I can keep an eye on him." I tell Mama


"Hey..." I say to Jesus




"Oh, wow, that's... that's great."

"Yeah, I'm... I'm done."

"No. One more time." Mama urges him

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