Chapter 23

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Catalina's POV
"Education is a right! Not just for the rich and white! Education is a right! Not just for the rich and white!" The whole crowd chanted

"Education is a right! Not just for the rich and white! Education is a right! Not just for the rich and white!" we continued

"You need to disperse immediately, or you will face the consequences." Drew said through megaphone

Yet we continue our chanting even louder this time.

"I repeat: you need to remove yourselves in an orderly and peaceful fashion. This is your last warning."

"Education is a right! Not just for the rich and white! Education is a right! Not just for the rich and white!"

"Mariana, enough." Mama begins

"I know you're all upset, you have every right to be, but you've made your point and we need to go home now." Mama says sternly

"We can come back tomorrow, we can come back another day and we can continue this, but you have to we have to stop this."

"Sorry Mama, we're not going anywhere."

"Mariana, we have to be reasonable."

"You promised me a seat at that table, and look what happened."


"I'm sorry, we're not going anywhere."

"I know you're frustrated."

"I understand that, trust me."

"But this could get this could get very out of hand and I don't want anyone to get hurt."

"Okay, you need to get these people out of here, now." Craig Stratos yells

"Education is a right! Not just for the rich and white!"

"Hell no, we won't go.Private school is a no! Hell no, we won't go.Private school is a no!" Mariana begins a new chant

"Hell no, we won't go. Private school is a no!" The entire crowd begins to join in

"Hell no, we won't go" We continue

"You need to disperse, immediately."

"Hell no, we won't go. Private school is a no! Hell no, we won't go."

"You lost!" Craig booms

"Private school is a no! Hell no"

"Anchor Beach is going private. It's over. So go home." Craig announces

"Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, we won't go!"

"Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, we won't go!"

We keep chanting as Craig nears Mariana proceeding to push her out of his way

"Don't fight back! Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, we won't go!"

"Let me out." Craig orders Mariana


"I said, let me out."

"This is illegal."


"Hell no, we won't go! Hell no, we won't go!"

"Hey, get your hands off my sister!" Jude says pushing Craig away from Mariana

"Hell no, we won't go!"

"Ahh!" Jude groans pain due to being pepper sprayed by one of the security guards

"Oh, sweetheart. Is it any better? Is it working?" Mama says to Jude who's flushing his eyes out

"Yeah, mostly."

"Good, just keep rinsing them and give me a few minutes, and I'll get you home, okay?"


"So are you really fine Jude" I ask him

"Well I've definitely been better"

"Hey you did the right thing"

"I would've done it if they were touching any of my sisters"

"Because you're just the kind of person who's protective"

"Yeah even if it means getting pepper sprayed" Jude says laughing

"If I were you I would've done the same thing"

"So, what about you two and Mariana?" Mom says asking Mariana Jude and I

"Oh, I can't believe this happened to you honey."

"It's okay, I just wish it did something." Mariana said upset

"You know? I mean the whole protest.

"Why even bother? We lost."

"Well, it turns out it might not be over after all."

"What? Why?"

"Drew took the principal's vote at the board meeting."


"And Drew's not the principal."

"Not officially."

"Monte still is."


"So that means the vote isn't valid."

A/N so I didn't fail any of my final exams that I've taken so far so let's hope I don't fail the rest, anyway I've started watching Teen Wolf and I can't believe that I've went this long without watching it. Honestly Stiles is my favorite and I totally love him, Scott is meh though haha, and Allison is totally badass and I love it, I feel bad for Lydia, and absolutely despise Jacksons attitude. Other than that I hope you really enjoy this extremely short chapter ~ Much love ❤️

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