Chapter 6

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Disclaimer// if you are sensitive to topics about abuse I advise you to skip this chapter or prepare yourselves , this chapter also contains crude language
Catalina's POV
I feel pretty accomplished by editing Mama's birthday video but after rewatching it I noticed something I didn't have before, which was a very clear stutter, ironic, but other than that it's just great, I have to wake up early thanks to STEAM club, in other news Jesus joined so you know I won't have to deal with the bossy side of Mariana alone let's just hope Emma won't make it worse because only god knows how she can constantly get on people's nerves
"Good morning Grandpa" Mariana says very chirpy
"Hey, Hey, Hey how are my gorgeous girls" Grandpa says in a New York accent
"I'm fine" I reply
"Where's Gram" Mariana proceeds to ask
"Oh, uh she had to go sub a class for a colleague but she said she was very sorry" Grandpa says clearly hiding something
"Whoa Miss Thing" Mom says while Mariana had spilled her orange juice
"Sorry I've got a STEAM club meeting this morning"
"What's STEAM?" Grandpa asked curiously
"I thought it was STEM?" Mom says confused
"Science, technology, engineering, arts, they just added that and" Mari says filling everyone in
"Mistake" Jesus says walking in
"I would've never agreed to joining your club if I had known that I had to wake up this early" Jesus adds
"Jesus you joined STEM.. STEAM" Mama says
"Yea he's helping us build a robot" I say
"Any day now computers are gonna take over the world" Grandpa says
"They already have grandpa" Mari retorts
*later at school*
"If I knew being a nerd was this fun I would've converted much sooner" Jesus says happier than earlier
"It doesn't fit" Emma blatantly says
"This is three millimeters from the edge you measured?" Emma adds on
"Yea three millimeters from the edge of the rod to the edge of the hole" Jesus says
"No three millimeters from the edge of the rod to the center of the hole, that's useless do it again, this is very complex work and any little error could cost us big time " Emma says rudely
"So if you don't understand something you need to ask for clarification" Emma says clearly hurting Jesus' feelings
Oof poor Jesus how can he stand Emma sometimes I just met her and I already can't stand her, I guess because the robotics competition is really important but at least can she not act like a bitch.
"So how you holding up after Emma went off on you?" I ask Jesus
"God she makes me feel dumber than I already am she even wants to tutor me again." Jesus says clearly hurt
"Aww c'mon dude you're not dumb you know that plus Emma's the dumb one thinking you need tutoring." I say trying to comfort him
"Yea sure, you are a practical genius we're both juniors but you're 14 how can I compete with that" Jesus says in the same hurt voice as before
"Almost 15 but other than that, you're smart no matter the difference between us plus you are so much better at sports than I am it's not always about school smarts I barely understand football" I say still trying to cheer him up
"Say whatever you want but you know you're great at sports, don't think I forgot about that time you told me you were the star soccer player at one of your old schools" Jesus says laughing
"Blah blah I was in second grade honestly we all sucked" I say blatantly
"Hey I have a question for you?"
"Yea what?"
"Why do you keep stuttering when you talk?"
"Umm I don't know it started after you know the accident" I say cluelessly
"I think we should tell moms about it I just don't want it to be anything bad" Jesus says worriedly
"Okie doke then lets go"
*later at home*
"Hey Moms we have something to tell you" Jesus said while walking into the kitchen where moms were sitting
"Yes my babies what is it" Mom said I always love it when she calls us her babies it makes me feel loved
"Um well we're not sure if you noticed or not but Cat has a stutter that she didn't have before" Jesus explained to them
"Well then we could talk to your neurologist about it, it could be just because you hit your head after you know" Mama said comfortingly
"Ok" Jesus says while giving me a looks that makes me so safe that it's unexplainable, I feel as if I'm with Jesus nothing or no one could ever harm me other than before I came here
"Get out of this house no one will ever love you!" He screams while kicking my sides making me scream in pain
"I said shut it you little bitch!" He yelled while punching my ribs most likely causing them to break
"I'm calling your social worker I can't deal with your crap anymore" he says, one last time he kicks my stomach, I'm only 13 how could someone be so mean to me, I guess he's right no one will ever love me and because of that I will always get hurt no matter what
*flashback over*
"Hey Cat can you come over here real quick!" Jesus yells from the other room
"Yea sure I'll be right there!" I wonder what he wants
"Are people hurting you at school?" Jesus asks very concerned
"What do you mean?" I say as if I'm completely clueless
"I mean are people hitting you because of what happened with Nick"
"" I hesitate
"I know you're lying Cat just tell me the truth"
"Yes" I whisper before bursting into tears
Jesus catches me in his arms when he touches my ribs I yelp in pain causing me to sob even harder resulting in me yelping again in pain
"MOMS!!" Jesus yells at the top of his lungs
I hear moms running up the stairs then coming to a halt seeing me on the floor crying in pain while Jesus is holding me for dear life.
"My baby are you okay?" Mom says taking me into her warmth
"Kids are hurting her at school, then I touched her ribs by accident then she screamed in pain" Jesus told them
"Oh my baby why are you shaking so hard" Mom says while my body uncontrollably shakes
I try to speak but nothing comes outs but a small squeak
"Stef should I call an ambulance" Mama says very worried
"Yes please" Mom says pulling me closer to her chest
"You're going to be okay my baby I promise" Mom whispers into my ear prompting me to calm down a little
*in the ambulance*
"It seems as if she may have a few broken ribs that could be all but we are not sure yet" the paramedic said to Mom while she squeezed my hand
"Is she going to be okay?" Mom asked
"Yes she will be fine it just seems she may have gone into shock"

A/N so I hope you guys like this I kinda made it darker because the last chapters have been happy and I didn't want it to get boring sorry if I'm really extra with drama it's the only drama in my life 😂😂 yet again hope you guys like this chapter❤️❤️

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