Chapter 1

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After the overwhelming demonstration, Khrome convinced the guests to follow her in a different room, while the Class A is still looking at (Y/N). The other screens show that she almost destroyed all the exam field, a few things were spared, the rest is a bunch of ruins or a pile of dust. The girl turns off her quirk and makes a few steps backwards.

<<M-may I stop now?>> she asks with a shaky voice, <<I... I don't want to do this anymore... I would beg your forgiveness for what I've done... I'm sure I hurt them so bad, I->>

<<Hey, calm down.>> Nezu pats your leg gently, <<You showed what our enemy can do, you can rest. Also, I apologize to let one of my students, go through bad emotions like those and being forced like that.>>

<<I am so sorry, All Might-sensei... Are you ok?>>

<<Y-yeah...>> he coughs a few times and sends his student in panic.

<<E-eh...? You just spitted out blood... Oh my god!!>> she kneels in front of him and checks if there are some deadly injuries, <<I will take you to Recovery Girl, I am so so so sorry!>>

<<Young (Y/N) calm down, I'm fine.>> the teacher tries to calm you down, but his body isn't that cooperative today, <<You should take the others first.>>

<<You are not fine! What is this smoke that's coming out from your body?>> she runs her fingers into her hair, her eyes are terrified, <<Are you dying?! Please don't, there are a lot people who needs your light and guide, what can I do to avoid this? I don't want another sin in my heart->>

<<You two!!>> Recovery Girl's angry voice echoes through the speakers, <<Izuku female version, take everyone in my office! Do it in 10 minutes!>>

"She's gonna end me right away...." <<Y-yes, ma'am!>> you hit the crystal and Astraroth's symbols appear on your body, that slowly is surrounded by tiny shocks.


You brought successfully all your teachers in Recovery Girl's office, while Nezu joined the meeting. The heroine healed everyone, and you sat staring at their sleeping faces; only All Might has curtains around his bed, Recovery Girl said that she needed to take his costume off, so you didn't ask anything.

It's an hour or so that you stay immobile, your legs on your chest, your chin rested on your knees, your arms hold all still... It's a little creepy because it doesn't seem that you're alive. The old lady thinks that you barely blink, do some breathing movements, you know, like shoulders that go up and down, or your chest that becomes bigger and smaller... She never saw you do it, so... Meanwhile, Shouto tries his best to comfort his girlfriend, it looks like that the girl is trapped inside a memory of her.

<<Sweetheart, it's dark outside, you should go home now.>> she says with a warm tone, <<Don't worry, they are fine.>>

<<I don't trust you. I won't move from here, until I see with my eyes each one of them, stand up and walk with their feet.>> her voice is cold just like when she's focused and doesn't bother herself to choose a tone to match a feeling.

"What kind of trauma she has? It must be deep if she reacted like that, and now her behavior is so distrustful." the heroine looks at Todoroki and he shakes his head, "He's right, no questions. The trauma must not rise back again."

<<(Y/N), you must be tired. Let's go home, we have the last day of school tomorrow, we need to wake up early. If you still feel anxious about our teachers, we'll check on each one of them.>>

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