Chapter 36

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Done with the students, Khrome faces the warrior and asks him what his questions are. And she précises that he needs to be short, she doesn't have much time for him.

<<Actually, I want to know you little by little, but one question is echoing in mind for a while now.>> says the Ryuhi, <<The thing you're wearing, is an Edenrium armor? If so, my compliments, it's godly made. I'm not sure if I'm able to break that, not even using my 100%.>>

<<Who fights a war with a cheapy armor?>> Khrome smirks and looks at him, <<You have an unbreakable armor too if you fuse with your Gluttony beast. Am I wrong?>>

<<.....How do you know it? I didn't go that far with the little girl yet.>> now Seatiel has a sharper gaze, but the lady isn't affected by that, <<Who are you?>>

<<I'm the high priestess, I've studied your myth better than anyone. Well, I did read some forbidden texts, but if nobody knows it, it's all for me and my little flower.>>

"Only my friends and my light knew that I can turn my skin into an armor with the Gluttony beast... I can't see her waves at all, who is she?" <<I believe your words, for now.>>

<<Khrome-sama.>> Ran whispers as he walks in the alley as well, <<All the prefecture and the city are safe at the port.>>

"Wow, is this Ran-san's battle outfit? Cool..." the heroes think seeing the man crouched down next to the lady and his swords hang with a melodic sound, this time, he doesn't have Ray's appearances, and they wonder why, he's godly majestic with that look.

<<Our army is with them as well, guarding everything and calming the crowd down->>

<<Sh!>> the woman put her hand on Ran's mouth to hush him, and the other arm pushes the students down, <<The enemy is here.>>

A strong blast disintegrates the whole façade of the building, and a man dressed in only dark clothes, stands in there in midair. The students tense immediately and instinctively, grab Khrome's arm.

<<Just when Tomura was starting to think for himself, and beginning to lead others by himself....>> that dark and echoing voice makes the air like a huge pressure machine, sinking the students into the ground, <<If possible, I'd like for you all to stop interfering.>>

Like his classmates, Izuku can't turn to see who is, his body doesn't move at all, it refuses to do it. His heart is beating so fast that it will explodes soon, his breath is trapped on his throat, his fingers are shaking on the warm woman's skin... What terrifies him the most, more than his friends, is that he understands who joined the battle.

"He mentioned Tomura... What.... No way... All Might...." he holds his breath to not scream or do some noises that could lead that monster there, "Could that mean that that is... That is.... All for One!!??"

With a surprised whistle, Seatiel calls All for One's attention towards him. Khrome and Ran are so calm, how the hell can they do it with such a frightening presence right in front of them?!

<<Man, that aura is like death itself, Master.>> he says sitting on the wall with crossed legs, <<Surely the true incarnation of the evil.>>

<<You don't seem scared by me though, Seatiel-san.>>

<<Death never scared me. If you live inside a war, death is a common thing, I'm used to it, doesn't have that impact on me. I'm sorry if you were hoping to see a different reaction.>>

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