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Day after day, the students are starting to understand how to move with the style they have in mind, and the first ones who show big improvements are Izuku, Todoroki, Bakugou and (Y/N). Todoroki is getting better with the control of both sides, trying to understand its limit and create strategies, Katsuki is developing strong and powerful moves, his explosions are getting louder and louder, Midoriya and you, are adapting to the new style. Sometimes, everyone stops to look at your new techniques, they look so stunning when they're still rough, they can't imagine how beautiful that fighting style can be in the future.

However, their improvements aren't something that came by lucky or by miracle. The schedules of those four are insanely strict. After the cleaning, Todoroki goes in his room and studies the books that he received with Khrome's letter, and gladly, those texts are explaining so many things about his role as the one who holds the stars, how to control better a beast's power and about Fiery Sins in a more detailed way. Izuku goes out with you to train until late night, he writes down what he learnt, the mistakes he did, your advices, and goes straight to take a shower, locks himself in the room, reading the texts that he took from the island, and uses his memory to create the picture inside his mind. Bakugou uses his time studying how the seal he received from Khrome actually works, he tries to talk more with Abraxas, but every time ends in the same way: he get pissed off but that sassy lion, and he goes straight to bed. You keep training in your room to figure out better your style, but Todoroki caught you. He got angry and dragged you in his room, so he looks over you and prevent that you stress yourself more than the necessary.

Today in particular, something is wrong with your boyfriend though. He looks instable, irascible, like when the school started. During the training, he moves more powerfully but more stupidly, where went his usual precise and wise schemes?

"I said that I'll fight with her, but I couldn't do anything!!" Ectoplasma stops seeing Shouto's white hair becoming black, "I was the one who must comfort her, lend my shoulder to make her cry without problems, but ended in the damn opposite way!" his fire begins to have dark shades inside and his ice have a darker color, "I'm not worthy to be with (Y/N)! I'm only a burden for her! I'm always the saved one, she saved from my prison, opening her home to me, then she saved me from myself thanks to Midoriya, then with my father, she fought for my freedom! She fought Seatiel alone and almost died to protect me and Hosu, the second time, she fought without me again, and again, almost died! Khrome-san died and her family has a new crack on the base! What the fuck am I doing?! She couldn't even cry 'cause I was so pathetic! This isn't what I promised to do!!"

<<Todoroki, calm down!>> says Ectoplasm, seeing that the more he keeps moving, the more damages he does since he's using only the Wrath's flames, <<Aizawa, stop his quirk!>>

"I'm not moving forward at all!!" before a huge blast was unleashed by the student, Shota disactivates his power, but the students tries to hit him moved by a blinding rage. "I need to become stronger! STRONGER!"

<<Oi, what the hell is wrong with you!>> exclaims Aizawa dodging the boy's attacks, <<Todoroki, wake up!>> "He's gone..." <<(Y/N), come here! Cementos, stop the trainings!>> you and the pro hero react in an instant, and all the class is moved towards the entrance of the field for securities reasons, <<You better explain what the heck is happening, or I'll punish you again.>>

<<Ash Crow is taking control.>> you whisper worried, "But with the seal is- He doesn't have it today?" <<Sensei, let him free, I'll go in his room and take the seal. Stay away as much as possible from him! At three, run with me.>>

<<Ok.>> Aizawa retires his scarf and let Todoroki free, who starts to rage up again.

<<Now!>> at your signal, the pro hero is right behind you, and after joined the group, you stop a second and talk with Izuku and Bakugou, <<Ash Crow is taking control of him, if he comes this way, slow him down. Only you two though, Abraxas and Astraroth can protect you a little from Ash Crow.>>

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