Chapter 48

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<<S-S-S-Seatiel is here!>>

When the silence reigns for those few seconds, you can hear people outside insulting him and dull noises, which mean that they're throwing at him something... The pro heroes stand up immediately, but Shouto and Izuku block them with serious faces.

<<Remember, this place has its own rules; if (Y/N) didn't told you to stand up, you shouldn't do it.>> say both at the same time, <<Please go back to your seats.>>

Covered by your boyfriend and best friend, you stand up elegantly and with just a push, the gate is open with a rock-ish sound, <<Enough!>> as you shout, everyone stops throwing rocks and objects at that immobile and impassible man, <<You all know that during a funeral, blood mustn't be shed! Are you trying to be insolent with the souls in here?>> a dark aura rises from your body making your clothes lift and your eyes has a red shade, <<If so, I won't have any mercy for you all!>> everyone bows and takes a bunch of step backwards, creating a way for you to see clearly your enemy, <<What brings you here, legend of the past, Ryuhi Seatiel?>>

<<......>> without cleaning the blood of his new wounds, the man looks at you with a pitiful look, <<May I have the permission to come there and talk with you?>>

<<Very well.>> you stretch a hand to him to invite him, <<I shall grant your request.>>

The shocked expressions and eyes of every single person present are now glued on you. What the hell are you thinking?! Are you welcoming a traitor and a man with a blood desire?! Are you nuts?

"Like Veena-san said, he knows kindness and love as well. People throwed rocks and sharp objects at him, but he didn't move at all and waited patiently." you think seeing someone as prideful as Seatiel marching towards you without using his powers, he climbs stair after stair with those injuries, "He can just jump or fly, but he's tiring himself just to come here... He knows how to be humble and respectful too... Well, being respectful I already knew it, he's a warrior with a lot of respect."

<<....>> he stops right in front of you and looks at you with sincere eyes, <<I->>

<<Come in.>> you move aside and let the surprised warrior step inside the castle, as you close the gate once again, <<Then?>> the servants are all scared, Ran waits next to you, your brothers didn't even move from the start, your classmates are watching ready to intervene, just like the heroes, <<What is your-!>> turning, you see him posing Verg Avesta on the ground, and he kneels in front of you.

<<May I participate at the funeral?>> he lows the other knee, put his hands on the ground and slowly lows his head towards the soil, <<I implore you->>

<<Hey.>> you stopped him before he could touch the ground with his forehead, <<My pride is hurt if you bow so much.>> you sit reaching his level, <<Why do you want to participate?>> "He never lowed his head in front of anyone and anything, he refused to kneel even during our fight, and now, he just did it by himself..."

<<....To respect great warriors that died with honor in the battlefield. I hit an innocent during a fight, and that's against my vow. It's a duty to apologize before the last greeting.>> he replies looking straight into your eyes, and you see no signs of lie, he's speaking with his heart in hands right now.

<<You can't participate.>> you stand up and Seatiel looks at you with a hidden begging light in his eyes, <<Not with those injuries.>> you smile and offer a hand to help him to stand up, <<Ran, please treat his wounds and give him some clothes. I'll wait here.>>

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