Chapter 22

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Khrome is with Midoriya and Bakugou, taking them back at home. Both students walk quietly and watch the woman with the corner of their eyes, she doesn't look good at all. She's acting tough, but something seems to put her in a physical pain state. Katsuki knows that is related to her quirk, and he's sure that the nerd knows something too. Khrome rings the bell of the Bakugous' house and waits politely outside, while Izuku decides to wait a bit far from the duo.

<<How are you?>> asks Bakugou with a low tone, he refuses to leave her side until his parents will say to walk inside the house.

<<A bit tired actually, but nothing serious, don't worry Kacchan.>> she rests a hand on his shoulder, but keeps the distance, <<I'm sorry.>>

<<For what?>> remarks annoyed.

<<I scheduled this day aiming to make it relaxed and full of funny things, but it ended the opposite.>> says the chief looking at the door, <<A lot of scary things happened because of my clan, I apologize.>>

<<.....It was fun.>> he admits looking away to hide his weak blush, <<I enjoyed the events you scheduled for us.>>

<<Oh, Khrome-san!>> Mitsuki opens the door of the house and invites the lady to walk over the gate, <<Thank you for having accompanied my son back at home again.>>

<<Good evening. No need to thank me, it's my job.>> the woman stops a few metros away from the door and pushes gently Bakugou's back to encourage him to go towards his home, but not before asking for the last hug.

Katsuki stops to stare at her, and walks towards the woman to let her hug him as always.

"Her skin feels colder than the other times." he thinks feeling her big hands on his back, "She's not only tired, she's lying again... She is just like that fucking bitch! But... She taught me a lot during these days, even if I don't want to admit it. Damn it, it pisses me off." his thoughts are stopped by Khrome's whisper right in his ear.

<<Never let the other people's opinions decide who you are. Katsuki Bakugou is immensely prideful. He hates the idea of others either helping him or him having to reply on others to assist him in a battle.>> she whispers gently, she's not scolding him, just remembering to not let anyone bring him down, no matter what happens, <<Because of his pride, he refuses to work together with others, claiming he can do whatever he's assigned on his own. I want to see you like this on your podium over the top, a prideful and explosive legend. Will you let me see this glory view of you in the future?>>

"What she's trying me to say to me? It's the opposite of what she said on the ship..." <<Of fucking course, I'm going to smash my success in your ugly face!>> he slowly rises his arms and hugs the woman back, <<Just fucking watch me, I'll be the number one and I'll never lose against nobody. I'm going to overcome everyone, you too! One day, I'll fucking beat you!>>

"He hugged me back for the first time..." <<Mh, I don't know about tha- Ow!>> Katsuki hit her ankles and made her fall, then he looks at her with that satisfied smirk, saying: "1-0 for me". The dad and the mother scold the son quickly, but the priestess calms the situation, <<Don't worry, it's okay!>> the parents stop to look at her as she stands up, cleaning her dress, <<I stepped in a hole with my heels, it wasn't your son's fault. Sometimes I'm a little clumsy, I apologize.>>

"Again, why she covers me?" Khrome pisses Bakugou off so much, he can't read her at all, it's like seeing inside a black hole, full of mysteries and so black that you can't see anything inside it, "What's her fucking problem? Really."

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