Chapter 14

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"So many colors with so many shades... In the future you all are going to be really great and shining heroes." she smiles gently to the class, <<?>> she turns over (Y/N)'s group to see them chilling all together.

<<Wear your damn glasses when you're reading!>> says Tenka pausing the game to put your glasses on you, <<Hands up woman!>> he lays his head on your stomach and continues to play sharing an earphone with you, <<(Y/N), this playlist is utter shit.>>

<<Shut up, like yours is any better.>> she replies trying to focus on her book, <<Pick the one you want, I don't care.>>

<<Then...>> he unlocks your phone and scrolls over the playlist, he chooses one and returns to his game.

<<Sugar cube, can you call out the doggo? It's hot here.>> says Lenka laid right next to her, <<Just for a few minutes. Pretty please?>>

<<Hakuren.>> you hit your earring and the white flames run elegantly around the group and assume the form of the huge fiery wolf, <<Be a good boy.>> the wolf nods a few times and then sits obediently watching over the A-1 class. It looks like there's something that moved its curiosity, but what?

<<Guys, did she eat something?>> asks Khrome turning a little, <<Hello, Hakuren.>> she waves gently to the wolf, that lows a little its head and ears.

<<Yes, I ate.>> you reply a bit pissed, <<This is the fourth time I read the same phrase. I want to move on.>>

"She's a bit irritated today, I've saw it when I walked in the class..." <<S-sorry, I didn't see you readi->>

<<Why the fuck did you buy this game, Lenka?! For torturing me?!>> screams upset the green twin, <<I keep being killed but a stupid spiked cube for what? Picking bananas for this old ass bitch? C'mon!>>

<<Then my job is done.>> adds the pale blonde young man, <<It's a rage game for a reason, you know?>>

<<There's the checkpoint! Thank god- Of course, the coins kill you, why wouldn't they? Haha!>>

The pause is going with some interruptions by Tenka's rage, he screams pissed off and then absolutely quiet, upset again, and his curses are said so funnily that the students can't hold their laugh back. Meanwhile, Khrome is filing the girls' nails because they were a bit jealous of her perfect hands, so the woman gladly helps them to have cute nails like a girl should.

<<What's your dream, Khrome-san?>> asks Uraraka, <<Do you have one?>>

<<...My dream? Bring the clan like before, where everyone was smiling an enjoying their lives. See all of you shine as you debut as heroes. I'll be in the front row seats, so book one for me! And if I can choose another one, I would say... I would love to see a special person to me one more time.>> then, she leans a little over the gravity girl without crushing Eijiro with her chest, <<Moreover, do you girls know if (Y/N) and Shou-chan call each other with pet names?>>

<<I never heard them calling with such names.>> comments Tsuyu, <<They're only hold hands in front of us, both are private with their relationship.>>

<<Mh, Shou-chan, can I ask y->> Khrome turns towards the student but he's listening to music, chilling on the floor, when....

<<WHY THERE'S SO MANY BANANAS TO TAKE?! DO I LOOK LIKE A SLUT TO YOU?! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR, YOU PIECE OF SHI- WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!?!?>> Tenka throws the PSP screaming, then grabs it again, turns it off and hugs you, sinking his face in your side, while Lenka is dying for his own laugh, and you are stroking those pale green hair to calm the twin.

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