Chapter 29

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Day 3 of training.

The Ryuhi clan is having a lot of problems, and Khrome can't handle all of them by herself, so she changes the program of the group. The high spheres of the family are called to an urgent meeting by the high priestess, and now, they are all inside an ancient oriental and wide room, sit in front of Khrome, (Y/N) and her brothers.

<<May I begin?>> a man raises his hand and waits the permission, as he can talk, he stands up and reads what he found out, <<Confirmed by the villagers who live there, there are a few unnatural things happening on the Gray Mountains. I asked to specify the phenomena, and they reported to have witnessed suddenly blizzards, avalanches, and the animals that used to live up there, are all moving downwards.>>

<<Damages on the villages due to these phenomena?>> ask you, Khrome doesn't seem to be present in the meeting, she's there physically, not mentally, "She's sick again.... Fuck. I need to resolve this by myself." <<Tell me the precise zones, so I can go there personally and check if someone needs help or something.>>

<<A few avalanches destroyed two villages unfortunately, but the rebuilding is proceeding well.>> explains the man, <<The zones are written in the report, should I read them anyway, (Y/N)-sama?>>

<<No, I'll check the report. Thank you for your hard work.>> the man bows and sits again, <<Next one.>>

<<May I?>> a young woman stands up ready to explain what's happening, <<Suspicious creatures are been sighted near the Waterfall of the Origin, we investigated, but nothing showed up.>>

<<Suspicious creatures?>> you ask with a dark voice, that was completely unexpected, "It's normal that in the Gray Mountains there's still snow and ice even during summer, but blizzards and avalanches never happened before... Something is changing the Nature cycle."

<<Yes, we don't have much data about them, should I tell the details?>>

<<Please. Be as clear as you can.>>

<<Apparently, these beings are covered in an unknown material, similar to jelly, and leave a strong sulfur smell behind. We also found strange and unknown letters, or symbols, nearby.>>

"What the fuck is happening in here? What creatures...? In this island live only animals and humans... Where these monsters come from?" <<Have you wrote down these things on the report?>>

<<No ma'am. The symbols are a new discover, I received the report just this morning.>> the woman is called in front of you just to show the images they found, <<As you can see, these are more symbols than letters. If I can allow myself to advance a suggestion, we suggest reinforcing the security around the Waterfall->>

<<What you can tell me about the barrier seals?>> "This is getting really serious. It seems that the island itself is rebelling against us, more like, it's trying to defend itself from something..."

<<We immediately checked them, they are all untouched, not even a scuff mark.>>

<<I understood. Please leave this report here, I will read it later.>> the woman bows and walks back to her seat, "The main seal is hidden, only Khrome-sama knows where it is, so as long that resists, the island is safe even if the others are destroyed. But if something happens to her, the seal will disappear as well..." <<Absolutely reinforce the security on each seal, and keep an eye on everything that sounds unnormal. Anyone who can help, will go with my servants to rebuild the destroyed villages, as I will go and check the anomalies on the Gray Mountains and the state of the animals. Ran this an order, stay with Khrome-sama, 24/7 until this situation will be settled.>>

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