Chapter 35

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Meanwhile, in the Ryuhi island, you're picking up the material that Khrome asked for, but it's not that easy. You and your brothers have to use the beasts' power to do a single scratch on that mineral, not for nothing is known by all the clan to be the most beautiful mineral ever discovered, and the most resistant, it's way much more resistant than the diamond...

<<Argh, as soon she woke up, she gave us this training?>> says Tenka using his sword to cut a huge piece of the mineral, <<Ugh, move, you stupid rock!>>

"For real, we can't even do the new link, and she wants us to pick this mineral up. I know she likes make things with this, but in times so rough- Ah, sometimes I would love to have Khrome-sama's carefreeness. She always sees the good side in everything, which I'm grateful to have grown by her side and have learnt to do that too, but sometimes..." you walk upper on the hill to pick up more mineral and put it in the bag, "Sometimes I just can't do it. Even when my parents died, she was there for me, comforting that lonely child, teaching to her an important lesson... Each word she pronounces, is something new to learn. Sometimes, I wonder if she's really that old, she always replied with the over 100 years old phrase, but never specified how exactly old she is-" you stop looking forward, a womanly figure is standing there, <<Ma'am, didn't you received my orders? Please do not go out without a.... guard....>> your eyes scanned her figure, she looks a bit transparent, and her feet don't touch the soft grass, "A ghost?!" <<U-um... H-hello milady. My name is (Y/N), I am the third coming of Kafka.... C-can I help you?>>

The faceless lady smiles at you and begins to fly away, slowly, like she wants you to follow her. Come on, this is too cliché, horror movies stuff, or fantasy book stuff... But another part of you is saying to go after her, and that's the winning side, so you walk behind her, as she goes deeper in the forest, where almost the light of the moon cannot reach the ground.

"Shit, I didn't warn Shuu and the others." you keep moving using Arsene's flames to light your way, and the spirit stops in front of a rock wall, covered with plants and flowers, <<You are in there?>> reading her labial, she said to open the gate, but what gate? There's nothing in here. 

Then, you realize, there must be a hidden path or stuff like that, right? You approach the wall and start to lightly hit it to hear if there are different sounds or if you can find a button or shit like that. As touch the wall of plants, your hands don't find any support, and your body, unbalanced, falls.

<<Ow...>> once stopped the fall, you look backwards to see the entrance and a huge staircase right under it, <<Great, I fell down the stairs for real this time.>> you stand up and clean your clothes, <<Um, milady where are you?>> the woman doesn't show, double great, where you should go now?


"There's water in here?" you decide to follow that sound, it reminds you a drop that falls in the water, "This way?" walking to the left, a few minutes later, a bluish and crystalline light, illuminates the end of your way.

As you enter the new area, you stare amazed. A huge cave surrounded by the darkness, if it's not for the huge hole that illuminate old ruins, thanks to the light of the moon and the stars in the sky. From the hole is falling a little waterfall, maybe the source of the sound you heard. Looking better, the entire cave is submerged by the water, the only things spared are the space where you stand and the base of the ruins of what look like a temple or an altar. A path made by the floor of the building before the destruction, leads the way towards the center of the temple.

<<Woah, I never saw this place before...>>

<<Come...>> the ghostly lady appears on the ruined temple and invites you to approach the collapsed building.

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