Chapter 47

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Another week is gone, and keep up with study, trainings and jobs isn't easy for you and Shouto. During the last battle simulation, Todoroki fainted because was too tired, and was taken to the infirmary, while you kept with that unhealthy and unbelievable strict schedule. Morning, lessons and compile the reports at the same time, afternoon, battle simulations and as soon you're back to the dorm, a quick shower, change the bandages for the wounds and go back to work. You don't even eat that much, how the hell you're going to resist like that?!

The night leaves and the dorm wake up ready for a relaxed weekend, but everyone has a plan. They'll make you rest, absolutely, the weekend will be your pause, and negotiations and rejections aren't allowed. So, they all meet in the 3rd floor and all together walk down to the shared living-room, they are 100% sure that you and Shouto are there, from when the class moved in that dorm, you both never stepped inside your own rooms. When they walk in, they find Todoroki sleeping on the couch with you on him, as he keeps you safe with an arm behind your back. Those two are holding hands even if their arms are hanging out from the sofa... How much they love each other? Both look so tired and exasperated, they fell asleep for sure.

<<Hey guys, look at these.>> Sero picks up one of the papers in the messy table and shows it to his friends, <<All of these reports are in English... I can't even understand a word... How the hell they do it?>>

<<Man, put that down, it's not our business.>> whispers Kirishima, <<(Y/N)-chan speaks fluently English, and Todoroki is smart, why you're that surprised? Let's wait that they wake up->>

Everyone runs to hide behind the kitchen when your phone rings. Shit, that scared the life out of them. That deep growl... Todoroki must've wake up first.

<<Hello...?>> in fact it's him, he picks up the call with a sleepy tone, <<(Y/N) is here... Yes, please wait a moment.>> lifting a bit, he gently shakes you from the back, <<Dear, Ran-san is on the phone.>>

<<Mh... who...?>>


<<!! Ah yeah!>> you scatter up and take the phone, <<We almost done with the documents!>> that wasn't an expected call, was it? The panic in your voice is a clear proof of it, <<I thought about->> but the way you stopped, wakes up your boyfriend, that sits on the sofa looking at you, and since the silence is killing them, your friends peek stealthily from the counter, <<Hold on, say it again...>>

<<Hey, you ok?>> Shouto assists you as you fall sit on the couch, <<What happened?>>

[Please come back.] now that Endevour's son is so close, he can hear Ran's voice, [People here is too scared, your brothers- no, we all need your help.... Please guide us out of this darkness, young Master...]

Your soulmate doesn't know if be more worried for what Ran said, or for you. You stare at the emptiness, blinking lifelessly, as if you're trying to process what you heard. The silence in the room is a true and real killer, even Ran doesn't speak anymore... What the hell is happening?


<<!!>> everyone jumps surprised and scared as you suddenly, smashed your head on the table, hardily enough to reopen a wound on your forehead.



<<Arrange me a press conference, now. I'm coming back.>> you stand up and pick up specific papers from the table, <<One more thing, do you trust me, Ran?>>

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