Chapter 9

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"I'm sure Shouto will scold me for being so late and without text him about it." you walk towards the main door ready for a punishment, "I mustn't let him see me like this, I'm sick of it! I must stay strong, bare all this shit is coming towards me and help him to find his way!" after a deep breath, you force your lips to smile, <<I'm home!>>

<<Welcome back, my love.>> Todoroki was waiting in the stairs, so when he heard the keys opening the door, he ran to greet you. "She'll accept it or not? I'm a little worried, I don't want to stress her more than this."

"He looks worried..." <<Something happened?>>

<<C-can we talk in the living room?>> he asks looking away, that's the sign that something is off, but you aren't brave enough to ask what's wrong.

<<Of course.>> "It's my fault again? Something happened with his mom? Endevour said something to him?" he sits on the couch and you decide to sit in front of him on the fluffy carpet, waiting that he finds the right words to explain what happened.

<<U-um... I was wondering if tomorrow, you want to...>> he's starting to blush, ok, now you don't have a clue of what happened or what he's going to say, <<To come with me... and visit my mom...>>

<<Ah, like last time?>> you rest your hand on his leg to comfort him, <<Of course honey, I almost had a heart a->>

<<I want you to enter with me this time...>> he takes your hands and poses them on his lips, <<I want that you know a very important person for me. Would you come?>>

<<.....>> "Wait, wait, I'm not ready! How should I behave with her? I have a fire quirk, she's going to be scared or disgusted by me... But if Shouto asked me, I can't reject it. I'm too happy right now." <<If you're sure about it, I'd love to! It's an honor to meet your mother!>>

<<I'm glad.>> he relaxes and kisses your fingers, <<I was nervous because recently you train a lot and I thought you were too stressed to go out, plus, you don't like being in hospital places. Speaking of going out, how was the shopping mall?>>

<<Honey, I'll go everywhere for you, and I'm not tired at all!>> you sit on his lap and kiss his cheek, <<I've tons of energies knowing that I'm going to meet your mom! And about the shopping mall, I couldn't find what I was looking for, but it was super funny. Let's go together next time.>>

After a little chat of what there was in the shopping mall, you and Shouto go to bed and sleep as soon both touch the sheets. A lot of things are happening and they're all testing each fiber of your body, but as long you have your soulmate by your side, you're able to endure everything and fight the strongest enemy every day. His smile and happiness are worth every wound will be in your body and soul.


You wake up earlier to take a bath, prepare breakfast and think of which clothes you must put on to go to your most important meeting of your life. You even called Joel to ask an advice, and he said that a normal look is fine, too elegant would be excessive, same with a look too neglected. While you're fixing your hair, Shouto wakes up due to your murmuring; he listens to what she's saying, it was a while since he heard her speech with herself. It's a good sign, it means that she's not that stressed if she's able to recover so quickly.

Once both are ready, you go out direct to the hospital.

You didn't even notice that you're almost arrived, your mind is repeating in loop to not let your bad side stands out, do not use your quirk and absolutely do not lose you composure if the name "Endevour" will be pronounced; that's absolutely forbidden. Focus on what happened these days at school- oh god damn, you can't say about Seatiel and the war... The classic and stupid weather approach will be fine, right?

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