Chapter 23

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Bakugou is sure that he fell asleep, then why he can clearly feel a cold wind and something hard on his side. His bed isn't so hard... He opens his eyes, and he finds himself in a feeble darkness. What's going on?

<<Welcome.>> a roaring voice reigns over the blackish space, <<Bakugou Katsuki.>>

<<Who the fuck are you?>> he asks notices a little light in front of him, <<Where the hell am I? Answer me.>>

<<My name is Abraxas, and I'm the Pride beast.>> that tiny light starts to become more vivid and the student can distinguish the golden color, <<I brought you here to let you see what's going to happen soon. I would like to help you as my mate->>

<<Shut the fuck up, pet.>> roars back Ground Zero, <<I don't want your pitiful help, take me back to my damn bed.>>

<<No chance of conversation, huh?>> a smirk fills the air, <<Fine, but know that you will call my name, because you're weak and you'll find it out soon.>>


A burning city, piles of dead body, people screaming frightened.... This is too familiar. Shouto sighs and looks for Ash Crow. The crow responds to his call, rising from the ashes.

<<This bullshit again? Come on.>> he glares at the bird that laid near him, <<Why you're showing me this again Ash Crow?>>

<<It wasn't me.>> replies the beast, <<I'm here as your mate, I don't know what's happening neither.>>

<<Seriously?>> that respond wasn't what Todoroki thought, so he starts to look for some tips, but it's the same dream he had before the Hosu issue, <<Moreover, before it wasn't you, right? When (Y/N) was possessed.>>

<<No, it was Cherberus.>> the crow reduces its size and rests on Shouto's shoulder, <<Master was so tired before because we all tried to stop it, but that bastard is stupidly strong thanks to its owner's rage.>>

<<Who's this Cherberus's Master?>>

<<It's->> as the bird is about to say the name, he looks forward, moving even its mate's curiosity.

As the precedent dream, a song hushes everything and a voice takes over the destruction. This time the rhythm is completely different, it's a rock melody, but the voice is the same at back then.

♩  I've been starting to accept that maybe this is all there is, and dreams that I've held in my head should be forgotten.

Don't stand out or they'll destroy you; words are sharp and filed with poison; every step that you take forward they'll pull you back a thousand more... So give up your imagination, take the pill it's just sedation, be a member of their society... ♩ 

<<So it is different from last time... This voice, is Yamato-san, right?>> screams Shouto trying to see the man in that apocalypse, <<Where are you?>>

<<This song... He wrote the text basing it on the Ryuhi family.>> comments Ash Crow, <<So the new enemy is the clan itself now?>>

<<I'm sorry.>> the melody almost disappears, but in exchange, a shadow walks towards the hero, <<I forced you to see this scenario again.>> Todoroki immediately recognizes his figure, those ruby hair have a unique shade that it hit his attention the first time he saw them, the man shows himself keeping his eyes closed, <<Hi Ash Crow, glad to see you, buddy.>>

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