Chapter 31

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After the fight ended, Izuku relaxes and the transformation fades away. The student pants exhausted and his body begins to fall.

<<Wha- Ah, h-hey...!>> the child stands up to catch his falling hero, but the student regains his senses and put firmly a foot in the ground to remain in balance.

<<I'm all right...!>> he says with a little smile on his lips, <<I've still got something I need to do....>>

<<What the hell do you "need to do"?>> Kouta approaches Izuku concerned, his arms are so messed up, and the one with he threw the punch, has cuts so deep that the skin is attached to the arm for a miracle... "Why the blood doesn't come out? What is he?"

<<If the enemy has the same level of that guy, everyone is in danger... I need to inform Aizawa-sensei and the Pussycats.... If I can save them by moving now, then I need to, don't I?>> he raises his head, and the kid gulps intimidated by those dragon eyes, they're cool, but with that level of intensity is like the beast itself is piercing his soul, <<My priority number one right now, is to protect you.>>


<<There's something that only you can do.>> Izuku kneels and looks at the kid with a warm expression, <<They set fire to the forest, and as long as it's burning, then we have no way out. Get what I'm saying?>> he smiles happily to him, <<We need your quirk.>> those words shock the child, <<Save us.>>

Izuku, Seatiel.... is moving....

<<Really?! Can I see him from here?>> the change of expression doesn't scare the brat, but he asks with who his hero is talking to, <<Do I make in time just using my quirk?>>

He doesn't seem in.... hurry.... If you go now.... you can do it...

<<Kouta, jump on my back! Frist, I'm going to drop you at the facility!>>

<<You... you can still move with those injuries?>> the little one slowly, and carefully, climbs Izuku's back and wraps his tiny legs on his waist, "This man is freaking crazy..."

<<That's why I've got my legs left.>> the symbols of One for All appear on his legs, and the student jumps off the mountain, running as fast as he can, without hurting the child, <<Astraroth-san, lead the way, you know where I can find Kacchan, right?>>

"Again... Who's this Astraroth? Does this person have Mandalay's same quirk?"

Drop... the human... first....

<<Ugh->> "Fuck, now!?" his body starts to ache, and the feeling gives the creeps to the green boy, "Is this the first symptom of the price? I'm screwed... This hurts like a bitch! (Y/N)-chan, you bared this pain every single time? Jesus Christ..."

<<Hey, over there!>> Kouta felt Izuku's body stiffening, and he began to pant quicker and hardily, making the little one sad, it's because he fought that way, right? So, to help him, he looked for someone who could help them, and he found it.

<<Sensei!!>> Midoriya stops and changes direction as the teacher recognized his voice, <<Sensei! I'm so glad I found you!>>

"What the fuck happened to his arm?! It looks like it exploded or something like that..." Aizawa stares at his student with angry and worried eyes, "This time is even worse than the others... What the hell did he do?"

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