Chapter 2

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Before falling asleep, Shouto has witnessed something unique. Todoroki feels blessed, he's so happy to see that his girlfriend trusts him so much to show every side of her, from the serious ones to the stupidest ones, from the sweetest ones to the most hidden ones. You ask if tonight you can stay on him until you fall asleep, and for a moment, Endevour's son didn't understand anything anymore. But quickly, he grabs you and lets you stay on his chest as long as you want, he'll not move an inch. His warms hands rest on your back going up and down slowly and gently, that they are calling your sleep like a spell. Somehow, you feel nostalgic and without notice it, you let yourself go.

<<I never said it to you because it's embarrassing, but I feel this urge to say it right now...>> your sleepy voice is the best sound in this planet, Shouto always wanted to record it just to listen to it afterwards, but, if you find it out, maybe he won't survive.

<<What is it, my love?>> he just thought at a funny scenario and has that little smile on his lips.

<<I'm obsessed with your heartbeat. It has a strange sound that calms me down immediately, I need this under my cheek to fall asleep... Sometimes I'm clingy, I'm able to make you walk around with me randomly attached to your body...>>

<<I already knew these things.>> he kisses your head keeping his gentle touch on your back, <<You like to steal my hoodies too.>> "And every time my heart skips a beat, because she's too cute. I always wear that hoodie the day after because her scent got stuck in the clothes and it smells like home... As much as she needs my heartbeat to sleep, I need to feel her light weight on me. I even found out that I like watching her sleep and listen carefully to every strange thing she bubbles... Argh, I'm not ready to confess all these things to her yet."

<<I also love to intertwine my hands with yours... I can feel your warmth through them, and feel the sound which I already depend from. I never asked it though... Did it bother you that I always do it?>>

"Oh right, have I said that I'm obsessed with her hands? I like to touch them, kiss them, they're so fragile and small compared to mine, but they're so soft, warm, and they've so much strength inside. It feels so good when her slim and long fingers gently touch mine and slowly intertwine with each other..." <<No, I love it too.>> after a little pause, he sighs disappointed, "Guess I'll wait to confess this too."


In the next morning, the class is strangely quiet even if Aizawa isn't there yet. The most of them are worried for (Y/N), she's late. She's always so punctual, and she would text someone to advert that she would be late, but no one received a message. Kirishima is thinking that she's afraid to come for what happened yesterday, and Ochako supports the theory. During the conversation, Bakugou keeps thinking about what he saw on the screens. The only thought that his rival was holding back all the time, he lost two times against the weakest side of her, she even let him win on purpose, is something that really pisses him off. Without mentioning that Izuku made huge improvements in controlling his quirk, and that nerd dared to copy his moves! What's going on?! He was always so weak and reachable? It's a fucking joke, a very bad one. Aizawa walks in and starts to do the roll call under the sad and worried looks of his students.

<<(F/N).>> he waits a respond staring at the list, but no one answers, meanwhile Recovery Girl knocks on the door and stops by to leave something for Belial, <<(Y/N) is absent today.>>

<<Oh my, I see. Then->>

<<I'm present!>> "Oh crap!" you're about to jump inside the class but since there's the heroine in the way, to avoid hitting her, you slide on the floor and stop yourself grabbing the handle of the door, <<I apologize for the la-BHA!>> Shouto bumps into your figure that he didn't see at all, he was spacing out like always, and now both are on the floor.

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