Chapter 4

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As accorded, once lessons are over, you exit from the building and your childhood friends are waiting with a lot of bags and they granted your request: call your grandparents. The group knows that if they start to develop a level up, they need Hakkai to heal the future injuries and Miraje to reduce damages at the area where they're gonna stay. The class follows you keeping the distance, they asked if they can come along, but you didn't reply, and the curiosity is so strong... The only allowed ones for now are Shouto, which is normal, and Izuku. Now, why that nerd can and the others not? Shuu sees that they're dying to see, a little is enough, so he invites them with his index finger to follow them since (Y/N) is distracted by a call. Lenka quickly pulls out his camera and waits happily; tons of new photos are coming soon...

<<Belial!>> a woman and a child are walking towards the girl who recognizes them immediately.

"The child of the threatening man from Hosu... Oh no, I've my summer uniform, he can see my scars." <<Hi little hero!>> the girl hides the arm behind her back and kneels to face the child, who hugs her happily.

While you talk with the mother who shakes your hand, Lenka whispers to his brother to help him: he needs to move without you notice it, so Tenka uses Ba'al's speed to teleport his brother, first behind the bushes, outside the gates...

<<This is for you!>> the child hands you a letter, <<Don't read it yet, first...>> he looks for something and the mother helps him, <<Can I have an autograph, please?>>

"Jesus christ... Keep your joy inside, don't cry girl, don't cry!" <<Of course! Everything for a hero like you!>> the woman gives you a paper and a marker. Without thinking because you're on cloud nine now, you show your scars to the child that touch them while you sign his paper.

<<Those are my fault?>> he asks sadly.

"Why did you move your arm, freaking jackass?!" <<No sweetie. You know, when those scary monsters where all over the city? They were bad, so as a hero, I fought them to protect the peace. Don't worry about these, okay? They don't hurt anymore, it all gone.>> you smile and give him the signed paper, <<You know what? How about a picture together?>>

<<Please do not stress yourself, Belial-san.>> interrupts the mom worried for your health, <<You must be tired from school and stuff, we don't want to bother you further.>>

<<I'm fine ma'am, thank you for your concern. It's just a picture, and we already have the photographer, right, Len-nii?>> the tone with you called his name was shady but you hid it well from the child, you would never do something scary in front of kids. The twin gets out from the bushes and smiles ready to do his work, <<Do you want me to show you a little trick first?>>

<<Trick? Yes, yes!>>

<<(Y/N)-chan is very good with children.>> whispers Eijiro, <<I'm impressed, she looks like a mom.>>

<<The fallen angels descend in this earth with a bolt...>> you walk backwards slowly, <<If you want to see the angel, do not blink.>> the little boy tried his best to not blink, but in the exact moment that he closes his eyes and opens them again, your figure is gone.

Everyone is confused and amused, you really disappeared in a blink of an eye. The child looks around curious if you hid there, but when he doesn't find you, Lenka gives him a hint. He looks through the lent of his camera and calls the boy.

<<Little hero, where angels come from?>> his moves the head and looks up ready to catch the perfect moment for the perfect pictures. His brother points the sky quietly and smiling, soon, even the rest of the group mimic him and finally, the child looks up.

From the roof of the school there's someone black dressed that jumps off and the blue fire that the little fan was waiting, appears; Belial uses her wings to mark the soil with a circle all around the family and stops in front of them in a theatric way. Moving elegantly, the wings lay your feet on the ground, join together and Arsene comes out with all its magnificence and glory.

Wait... that's your hero costume! You used Ba'al to move to the dressing room, change yourself and go back there in.... a few minutes?!

You kneel like a knight in front of a queen, take the little boy's hand and kiss his back, <<May I have the honor to take a picture with you?>>

<<Wow, so cool!!>> the kid voluntarily jumps on your arms and you set yourself from the picture.

After a few clicks, Lenka invites the mother to join too, and she gladly accepts, there's something in this form of yours that... bring a strong feeling of savviness, it's truly amazing.

After everything is done, with the same way, you go back to change yourself before Aizawa caught you, and return to the child who really loves that trick. He says that you can read the letter now, but you decide to wait until he leaves. The mother bows and thanks you a lot for your availability and patience. Right before you open the letter, the boy's voice calls you once again. Your gaze catches immediately his pose, is he mirroring you?!

<<I have abandoned the Heavens to guide you inside the darkness!>> you act with him and make him smile more than before, both put a hand on your chests, cross a bit your feet and bow elegantly, <<The Fallen Hero, Belial is here, always at your service!>>

While Lenka is checking the pictures with a smile, you read the letter with that funny and cute handwriting.

"Dear heroine Belial, thank you so much for saving me that day, you were cool like All Might! Fearless, brave, always with a smile in your face... You became my number one hero because your quirk is really beautiful, just like the heavens! Please, keep your hard work because we think that there are a lot of people that needs a strong light like yours to walk in this world. Your light is not like All Might's though, he has a powerful light that blinds you with its brightness, but yours is so kind, warm, more near the humans than the gods; or that's what I felt when your beautiful creature came out from your back. Actually, mommy and daddy helped me to do some researches about your name, and... I decided that when I grow up, I want to become someone like you, without judges for people, try to resolve problems with words first, with an aura that is so... safe and gentle, just like the angel that tried to save innocent people during his life. Keep fighting the shadows and I'll keep cheering for you from behind your strong back! Bye-bye!

From: (name of the child)

To: my best hero, Belial."

Through his lent, Lenka saw some tears in the corner of your eyes, but since you are prideful, you pushed them back and smiled as happily as you could. Luckily, the twin caught every single moment, after printing them and send them to the family of the child, he will treasure them in his album, "My hero".

<<Young Master, I brought it!>> Ran runs holding a square thing, <<I apologize for the waiting, I got Khrome-sama's permission, today I'm all yours.>>

<<Wait, don't tell me...>> Tenka stares at the CD cover in your hand, <<Are you serious?>>

<<New upgrade, new song.>> you flip the CD in your fingers and show it to your friends, <<I wrote the melody before the sports festival, but due to all the mess that happened, I didn't have the time to record it. I asked a mom's friend to do it for me, and the results are here.>>

<<Damn, did you really write a new song for us?>> says the green twin smiling, <<Holy shit, I am dying to listen this! C'mon guys, let's go!>>

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