Chapter 5

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Thanks to Shuu that convinced (Y/N), the class follows the group while they walk doing stretching excises for wrists, ankles, shoulders, neck and even fingers. They reach a deserted zone of the city, where there's a shop with lights on, or that's what it seems. That prefecture is opened only in summer, and since the season is around the corner, it's strange that all the shops are closed, unless this one... It's empty too.

<<Excuse me!>> the girl enters politely, and Ran hands to her a big bag, <<It's (Y/N)!>>

<<Ah yes, I'll come immediately!>> a voice comes from the back of the shop, maybe it's the owner.

<<Do you need help?>> you can't ignore that troubled tone, <<Shuu and the others are here too.>>

<<Please don't, (Y/N)-sama!>> that way to call caught Izuku and Shouto's attention, the only ones who put the "-sama" when they call her, are members of the Ryuhi family, <<Are only boxes, nothing serious!>>

<<.....>> the family put their bags on the floor and walk away, <<Ran, can I leave my classmates to you for a bit?>> (Y/N) stays only to advert the man and then follows her brothers to help the owner those fall noises weren't convincing at all.

<<This way, heroes.>> the handsome man opens the window-door and moves aside to let the students walk forward.

An enormous terrace with tons of tables and chairs, armchairs and beach umbrellas colored in all the reddish shades, the layout permit the clients to enjoy the breathtaking view: a candid beach and a deep blue sea. The students take seats and look more around, that shop is modern and really elegant. Ran hands the menu to each of them, saying that everything they want to order, it will be paid by him.

<<I don't know how should I apologize for this, (Y/N)-sama!>> a cute lady walks out from the back door with her hands joined and a sorrowful face, <<I shouldn't be such a brother to you and your bothers!>>

<<Don't be ridiculous, Inori-san.>> you hold huge boxes on your shoulders, and your childhood friends as well, <<This is a lot of stuff to bring out of the warehouse, there's no way that you could do it by yourself. Also, drop the "-sama" please; this person is just like Ran.>>

<<Please leave them here.>> the team puts everything on the counter and picks their bags again, <<Thank you very much.>> as the woman sees Ran waving at her, she runs out in the terrace and greets him with the same happiness she greeted (Y/N), <<It's been a while, Ran.>>

<<I hope we didn't interrupt anything.>> the two seem close, <<The young Master wants to train a bit, and we brought a little crowd.>> he points to the Class A and smiles, <<Everything they want, sign it in our name, I and the young Master will pay.>>

<<Don't joke around, I'll offer this time!>> the woman bows in front of the students and introduce herself, <<I am the owner of this establishment, Inori, pleasured to meet you all.>> when the adolescents bow their heads, she smiles warmly and adds: <<Feel free to take whatever you want, I'll offer it to you. Of course, feel free to come back whenever you want too. If someone of you already decided what order, please tell me, I'll->>

<<Inori-san, thank you as always.>> the four men stop in front of the counter dressed in black shorts and a black tank, <<Our little sister decided to train us for an upgrade- Ah, we'll help y->>

<<Don't even say that guys, I'm glad that I can pay my debt with (Y/N)-sama.>> replies the woman seeing the manly group walking towards her, <<Also, don't think of me, focus on your training and don't get hurt. I always take a heart attack every time I see you training.>>

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